Why do most foooking threads derail in coed even without the presence of Shine da Great and Sistine"Achilles" chapel!

Shine da great for one got tired of all the unecesssary point bullying, cats hitting da foooking rtm button like they hitting that pus, just outlandish shit so I said foook it da great. Da great doesn't need to really say anything. Sisto, probably thinks the same. Da great and sisto have been silent for like 3 days and yet our foooking names keep coming up without us saying a word. Please, da great has moved on mentally. You'll fought for dis and now you'll have it yet still can't move without mentioning us or enjoying the peace you'll pleaded for. Def of insanity. Da great has tapped out because it's not worth da energy, so please enjoy what you'll fought for. Da issue is da great was never da issue or sisto. We are just some different fun loving guys. So my question is why can't a thread go more than 2 pages without bickering and infighting, threads that da great doesn't even start or care to respond in. Boring ain't my swag. Second question, since you'll can't go without bickering anyway or name calling, why da foooking angst against shine da great and sisto. Please forget about us. Enjoy coed and dis thang of ours. Sisto and da great have moved on and will be posting less and less. Now is da time to move on from us. Isn't that what you'll wanted? No hashtags. Tooodlez.....
Shine....I don't know what to tell you. I just looked at the threads here in Co-Ed and for the last couple of days I haven't seen your name or sc's name brought up. The threads seem to be doing fine to me. Maybe I missed something?
Oralist's Avatar
Aren’t you in Dallas now? Please post there.
boardman's Avatar
Buh bye!
Damn. Thought y'all? You? Who knows. Looks like your speaking for him as he is u or something. Who cares. I thought y'all got banned again. I noticed It was less annoying in here and it finally coickrdbyhsy y'all were gone it's been peaceful. Haven't said y'alls name or seen it. So go do what you have been doing it off this site bye
As a long-time member, I can write it has been really, really nice not seeing you, sissy lips, pxmcc or USASolider post your bullshit thoughts/threads that have been disguised as "relevant" threads in Co-Ed.

Just like this one, you are "chest-beating" again by belly-aching about the lack of interest in where "you" are yet "attempting", poorly I will add, in writing something relevant to Co-Ed. Here is a fact Shinepro, you are neither missed nor great. Now run along son and leave the adults to interact.
So you decided not to go to Dallas or was that thread just another...please pay attention to me??
Because I know you're not...disingenuous.
I think that other board was on to something!!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Shine do your thing without mentioning SC. I have no issue with when you post or frequency.. You can entertain these folks how you see fit. However I need no one to speak on my behalf. I'm self contained like many of my mentors. when and if I choose to speak I will...If you're independent be independent. Keep it real...


As for your question most threads get derailed because inherently and by nature most on this site are messy. They will use the word troll on others as a defense mechanism to cover and hide their own bad behavior or lack of original thoughts.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
As a long-time member, I can write it has been really, really nice not seeing you, sissy lips, pxmcc or USASolider post your bullshit thoughts/threads that have been disguised as "relevant" threads in Co-Ed. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
The feeling is definitely mutual. There's no intellectual challenge or curiosity for me here. There really never has been. I'm glad and I know you're glad to hear that because of that you wont see SC posting much. Yall continue on with this silliness. Also improve your thread topics. That would be a good start. ;-) and thanks Shine for adhering to my wishes. No need to name drop when you start your threads. Especially since I dont do it.
Oralist's Avatar
I agree 100% with SC. Two Anal Seepage Threads is simply not messy enough!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It's not my fault yall cant see that Shine is trolling SC...I figured at least one of yall would have caught on to it by now. I guess not.

Lol...I dont hate on him though..I just want him to stand behind what he or she posts and not lean on SC for support because it's not what I do. Be strong and independent if you're gonna go against the grain of traditional thought.
I think we got it just fine sc
I'm just not sure of the math.
Does 1 + 1 = 2?
Or does 1 + 1 = 3? or 4?

Shine seems unhappy and maybe he is because Co-ed seems to live just fine without him.
As far as the "boring" threads go....maybe they are not so "boring" to many here.
Maybe the "boring" threads attract more people to post and be involved......just a thought
JJ8901's Avatar
Now is da time to move on from us. Isn't that what you'll wanted? No hashtags. Tooodlez..... Originally Posted by shinepro
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I think we got it just fine sc
I'm just not sure of the math.
Does 1 + 1 = 2?
Or does 1 + 1 = 3? or 4?

Shine seems unhappy and maybe he is because Co-ed seems to live just fine without him.
As far as the "boring" threads go....maybe they are not so "boring" to many here.
Maybe the "boring" threads attract more people to post and be involved......just a thought Originally Posted by tbone2u
This forum is dull and boring and thread topics are bland at best. (No Tony Sacheres or Lowry's) I agree with him or her on that. The Darwin awards alerts section was awesome. I also think most threads derail because most of you only want to interact with people who think like you, talk like you,believe like you AND look like you. Most are very clingy and clickish to those they feel they have a brotherhood with.

People like SC we're not like that...we're independent movers and thinkers and we dont need a mob or group of folks to validate us. Not many people like that left in the world. I think because of it people get frustrated which leads to thread derailments. Just one observation of many. ;-)
boardman's Avatar
SC, you perceive a brotherhood that isn't.
Do we have one, Damn sure do but it's not what you think it is and that's why you are continuously the outsider. Either you're confused or you're being intentionally obtuse. You seem to want to make it about something that it isn't which is straight out of the playbook.

You complain about clicks that aren't validating you but then you say you don't need validation. That makes no sense unless it is your intention to always be the victim, then it makes perfect sense.

Our brotherhood is based on years of sharing information. As a newbie I came to ASPD with a ton to learn and there were certain people who were willing to share with me. When ECCIE came along I was a veteran of the hobby but not of posting. I started posting then.

The one thing this brotherhood has in common is that we've depended on each other for information regarding the hobby. That's what this board is about. Many of us who are still here have taken chances based on information that we had to assume was given in good faith, we rolled the dice and we came out clean on the other side. Sometimes we squabble among ourselves but there are still guys here I know I can depend on and trust for reliable information.

If it seems, to you and anyone else, like we have secret handshakes, code words and inside jokes that are somehow excluding you it's because you've excluded yourself by being divisive, insulting, judgemental and argumentative. You haven't earned the respect to be any of those things, not here. We don't repeat the inside jokes or give the secret handshake to exclude anyone. We do it to remind ourselves that we still have each other's backs. Be as independent as you want, be the victim if you want but don't complain about not being part of the group if you don't want to be part of the group.

Earn the respect, you're not entitled to anything here.