Holy hookers, Batman!

After striking out at BDD Tuesday night I went trolling my old stomping grounds: Harry Hines and Dennis, from around 10-midnight. And OMG, it must have been throw-back-Tuesday because I hadn't seen so many street walkers since the glory days of the 80's.

There were AA, Asian, Hispanic and even a pair of blond white babes (easily a 9 and a 7 on the sw scale), dozens in all going up and down HH as well as Dennis and Walnut Hill. I talked to a couple and both were from Houston so that's undoubtedly the source of most of the new talent.

While I didn't find exactly what I was looking for, I did settle for a quick $40 BBBJ from a cute AA (Vicky?) but I didn't get her contact info so no review. But if you're into the street scene, now's the time to hit the Hines before the waters recede and all the talent flows back to Houston.
TMNT LEO's Avatar
I've notice some early in the morning around 6 am also.
SW's have told me, Tuesday's leo takes a break.
motocrossman39's Avatar
The good ole days..!

needingmilking's Avatar
Be very careful people. 4 diferent cop cars today during the day.

And plenty of idiots getting into fender benders ogling the girls.
I've definitely noticed a big uptick in the number of girls working that area ... it is a bit of throwback to the glory days. did you say Asian girls too?! I don't think I've ever seen an Asian girl working Harry Hines (not counting the AMP's) .... would love to find that jewel ...!
Harvey has found a way to send some of the Gulf Coast energy to DFW. I found a WSW on Dennis that I have not interviewed before. We talked and she had a case of GPS. I should have removed my Rolex before the negotiation. I will look for her again, this weekend. If we find a bi-partisan agreement. I will write a review. My passion wand was telling me that as motel prices go up along with gasoline prices, the SW price would prolly go down and expect move volume to provide more volume. The market is adjusting to all the pressures and demands of cash flow. We shall see what actually happens. Meanwhile, we have our ECCIE ladies to keep us company through the aftermath of the storm.
Obvious Lee's Avatar
A rising tide raises all boats. Hopefully, this putrescent effluence of GPS-afflicted would-be price gougers won't infect the local market with an epidemic of over-priced CBJitis.