"Log Cabin" Republicans? Is this for real?

What's always good for a laugh is whenever I see interviewed a spokesman for this group talking about how gays should be welcomed into the military, and how terrible it is that we don't have gay marraige yet in this country LOL.

So what is it about these well-dressed, GQ-styled, trust-funded little edited no derogatory remarks staff that amuses me so much? Is it their hypocracy in belonging to a party that rejects inclusiveness everywhere it can yet they wine for such for their deviant selves? Is it that because they're from rich families and want to support welfare for their class [which is now their party's only mission] yet they want to defy the 'traditional values' that their party claims to uphold? Is it that they just don't get that except for themselves that every other single member of their party is disgusted by their persistant corn-holing practices? Or could it be that they've taken their name from the abode that their party's inclusive though war-mongering founder was said to have been born in, at least in his campaign of 1860 in which he became President with only 38% of the vote?

What is it with these pesky little rich edited derogatory remark staff anyway? Is it that they're just homosexual little nazis, like so many nazis have always been? Why is it that no matter where you go the far right always poses itself as society's bulwark of traditional values yet behind the curtains their wealthier members are always sodomizing someone? Makes me wonder what's going on with such people?
nuglet's Avatar
TFF, it seems that every day you have a new bitch or rant to spew. You do seem to know a lot about this subject however. interesting........... someone call you out or something?
first of all I know many gays and lesbians and not one of them is a 'trust funded little fag' they are all harding working people who saved their $$ and or dont have kids so they have plenty of extra $$ to save.

I would rather see two men or two women raise children in a good stable home instead of a loser man/wife combo

I see nothing wrong with being gay and having the same beliefs as Republicans

and give me gay neighbors any day of the week!!!! and throw in some old folks and you will have one of the nicest looking neighborhoods in the city!!!
sixxbach's Avatar
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff
The problem is your own personal bias that make it confusing to you. You seem to have a lot of anger and misconceptions about the entire Republican party so that it interferes with your ability to understand their positions. I see wide sweeping generalizations and derogatory remarks that are indicitive of someone who doesn't want to understand the other side of the isle.

So I wish I could spend time and help you understand the issues, but it seems that you may not want to listen to reason in the first place, and therefore a waste of effort.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-14-2010, 08:54 PM
It is interesting that the liberals proclaim to be the most tolerant and inclusive of all. However, if you disagree with them then they are the most intolerant and exclusive of all. The hypocrisy is amazing.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 07-14-2010, 09:36 PM
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff Originally Posted by sixxbach
I certainly saw blatant insults and hostility, sure; didn't appear to be directed toward another member, however. Hell, if you can't badmouth politicians, who can you badmouth?
ThrillBill88's Avatar
What's always good for a laugh is whenever I see interviewed a spokesman for this group talking about how gays should be welcomed into the military, and how terrible it is that we don't have gay marraige yet in this country LOL.

So what is it about these well-dressed, GQ-styled, trust-funded little edited no derogatory remarks staff that amuses me so much? Is it their hypocracy in belonging to a party that rejects inclusiveness everywhere it can yet they wine for such for their deviant selves? Is it that because they're from rich families and want to support welfare for their class [which is now their party's only mission] yet they want to defy the 'traditional values' that their party claims to uphold? Is it that they just don't get that except for themselves that every other single member of their party is disgusted by their persistant corn-holing practices? Or could it be that they've taken their name from the abode that their party's inclusive though war-mongering founder was said to have been born in, at least in his campaign of 1860 in which he became President with only 38% of the vote?

What is it with these pesky little rich edited derogatory remark staff anyway? Is it that they're just homosexual little nazis, like so many nazis have always been? Why is it that no matter where you go the far right always poses itself as society's bulwark of traditional values yet behind the curtains their wealthier members are always sodomizing someone? Makes me wonder what's going on with such people? Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
a complete fucking idiot. There are only 2 people on the planet more dishonest than you: barak obama and eric holder. You are seriously to stupid to breed. Very damaging to the gene pool.
ThrillBill88's Avatar
If it's true is it an insult? If so, I confess. i'm guilty. in the mean time, theaustinescorts, whoever that is, should curl up in obama's ass, and dutifully lick.
sixxbach's Avatar
ok, i love a good debate like anyone else but lets keep it within the guidelines. I think we all know how to do that. no personal insults!
txtraveler07's Avatar
What's always good for a laugh is whenever I see interviewed a spokesman for this group talking about how gays should be welcomed into the military, and how terrible it is that we don't have gay marraige yet in this country LOL.

So what is it about these well-dressed, GQ-styled, trust-funded little edited no derogatory remarks staff that amuses me so much? Is it their hypocracy in belonging to a party that rejects inclusiveness everywhere it can yet they wine for such for their deviant selves? Is it that because they're from rich families and want to support welfare for their class [which is now their party's only mission] yet they want to defy the 'traditional values' that their party claims to uphold? Is it that they just don't get that except for themselves that every other single member of their party is disgusted by their persistant corn-holing practices? Or could it be that they've taken their name from the abode that their party's inclusive though war-mongering founder was said to have been born in, at least in his campaign of 1860 in which he became President with only 38% of the vote?

What is it with these pesky little rich edited derogatory remark staff anyway? Is it that they're just homosexual little nazis, like so many nazis have always been? Why is it that no matter where you go the far right always poses itself as society's bulwark of traditional values yet behind the curtains their wealthier members are always sodomizing someone? Makes me wonder what's going on with such people? Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
1. Derogatory language toward gays while bashing the Republican party for it's lack of inclusiveness is somewhat hypocritical.

2. Why would you expect homosexuals to automatically vote Democrat? Just because they're gay doesn't mean they're retarded.

3. Blanket generalizations are usually wrong. Such as; all Republicans are socially conservative, every Democrat is a socialist (the correct statement is almost every Democrat is a socialist), all people who hold strong moral convictions are hypocrites, etc.

4. Ever heard of a Godwin? Guess not...
rCoder's Avatar
Growing up in a right wing, gay bashing environment, it took me a while get disillusioned by the hypocrisy between the rhetoric and actions. Then several more years to understand that to have a free society, then every individual must have exactly the same rights.

So personal relationships are exactly that and if you give the gang in power the green light to use violence to control personal relationships (i.e., force one set of beliefs on everyone), where do you draw the line? In a free society that line must never exist because to have it, you no longer would have a free society, but a multi-class society (i.e., a society where different groups have different rights).

In simpler terms, who the fuck cares what consenting adults do?

While both the D's and the R's have rhetoric that places them on the left and the right respectively, their actions identify both parties as authoritarian terrorist gangs where the primary difference is who gets the plunder.
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 07-15-2010, 06:45 AM
a complete fucking idiot. Originally Posted by ThrillBill88
You are seriously to stupid to breed. Very damaging to the gene pool.
Is that is the best you can do for a counterpoint? Oh, and it would be 'too stupid' not 'to stupid' in this case.

Welcome to my ignore list.
Wow. I'm continually amazed at all the immaturity displayed in these forums. Do you really have to revert to your inner 5 year old child and start calling people names at the moment you find out you're different?!

I realize that everyone is very passionate about their beliefs, and it may be hard for some to be emotionally distant from intellectual discussion, but this is just ridiculous.

Is it too much to ask for a civilized discussion?
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 07-15-2010, 09:36 AM
Wow. I'm continually amazed at all the immaturity displayed in these forums. *Do you really have to revert to your inner 5 year old child* and start calling people names at the moment you find out you're different?!

I realize that everyone is very passionate about their beliefs, and it may be hard for some to be emotionally distant from intellectual discussion, but this is just ridiculous.

Is it too much to ask for a civilized discussion? Originally Posted by MisterSmith