IMO Jade Rose represents a serious danger to male members of this community.

Whispers's Avatar
On November 15th, for the 2nd time I RTMd unwanted PMs from Jade Rose to staff... Then I posted it in CoEd and others acknowledged publicly and privately a similar problem with this young "lady".....

This time I am putting it out here as an alert as well..

I believe that Jade Rose is looking for something and/or someone and has a serious issue with professional boundaries. I believe her to represent a danger to members of this community.

......After being unable to "politely" get Jade Rose to move on in her search for companionship I PM'd her and copied Austin MODs on the 23rd of October telling her to cease all attempts to PM, email call or text me......

At the time I requested this to stop the nature of her PMs had reached a tone that reeked of desperation and pleading that was uncomfortable.

When she responded I RTM'd it to staff. One would think that staff would send a message to her that enough was enough at that time. Certainly if a woman were to make the same request a guy would get a warning and direction to stop sending unwanted PMs

On the 16th of November the unwanted private messaging began once again.

It was RTM'd once again. I received no feedback from Staff as to any action being taken but it stopped again for a while. I would have thought at this point, having ignored the instructions of staff, that she would have earned a point or two. But we never know those things do we?……

At that time I didn't know for sure if she had personally fixated on others the way she seemed to on me but in posting the story in CoEd a couple of others shared similar problems with her.......

Jade was reported as having been contacting other ladies pretending to be screening a guy in order to try to get his phone number under the pretense..... Who does that?......

Last night, December 16th, I received another PM from this attention starved young lady.

I just RTM'd that PM to staff along with posting this here as an alert.

Prior to receiving the PM I attended a party with my GF that Jade also attended. After she arrived for some reason, probably a lack of space vs the number of people, she made her way over to a position next to me and after listening in on the conversation I was in introduced herself and then tried to inject herself into the conversation we were having which became rather awkward as I tried to ignore her.

Ignoring her didn’t work. I was offered a drink.... then shots…. I had a shot glass pushed into my hand and it was insisted we should drink together....…….

Although I tried to ignore her and declined her offers of “shots” or a drink (since when do “ladies” pass around a bottle to swig from) I finally decided to state in person to her that I had zero desire to engage in any conversation with her of any kind.

I returned to the conversation with my companion and after a short period of time she found other things to entertain herself with. Shortly after we excused ourselves and went to a different part of the room but the lady with me was bothered by the experience so we left and went to eat.

This person seems to be incredibly desperate to connect.... Originally Posted by Whispers
Once again……. JadeRose.....

I have Zero interest in knowing you as a person...

I have Zero interest in knowing you in your profession.....

I have Zero interest in seeing you as anything more than the butt end of a joke which is what you've proven to be for the last few months.......

You have ignored requests to stop PMing me. I would imagine staff would have warned you which would mean that you have ignored them as well......

I believe you represent a danger to the guy that accepts one of your invitations to lunch or dinner or drinks....... You are in search of something here that you should be finding elsewhere. You are her to fuck and suck and get paid. Noone wants more than that from you. Many of us want nothing from you.

Most of us are married or involved with people on a personal level and unwanted attention from a hooker/prostitute/provider/whore of any kind is incredibly unprofessional.

Approaching me at a party after having told you repeatedly with MODs copied that I wanted ZERO interaction from you in any manner outside of CoEd where you tend to be the butt end of a lot of jokes was a bit much.

You have STALKER written all over your actions. Your behavior is highly unprofessional.

It's obvious you want attention.... you crave it here on the boards from guys you will never be wanted by....... and although told in person and your advances rejected you still continue.

Others need to be aware of this behavior. I have never shown the remotest interest in this meeting with this hooker/prostitute/provider/whore that calls herself Jade Rose yet I have been PMd repetitively, given her phone number, asked out to lunch, dinner, brunch, asked to meet with hwr to see how "special she is" etc.....

I can't imagine how dangerous it would be for a client that you fixate on some day.

I am sure that many will find this amusing. I do not.

However…… Reverse the names here and honestly assess how people would/should react if one of the ladies here were posting the same story with a guys name.

Maybe she is just lonely and wants a friend. I don’t know. I think it's far more than that.

I do know it has been reported to staff on October 23rd, November 15th and again tonight, December 17th.

MY SO may have a cat I dislike but I don't want to come home some night to find her tied up and the cat in a pot full of boiling water on the stove.

After 15+ years in these communities and meeting hundreds of professional ladies I have come to the conclusion that Jade Rose is capable of exactly that kind of behavior if unchecked.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
This is useful information and I agree, unless there's more to the story, being approached in public by a provider while you're with your GF seems to be in poor form indeed.

However, the Alerts forum is reserved for issues which present a clear and present danger to the general membership and fall outside the normal risks associated with this thing of ours. As it stands now with the information provided, this is more of an FYI. Moving it to coed for further discussion.

Whispers's Avatar
The alert is not regarding where she approached me. It wasn't in public. It was at a private party made up of members of this community.

That is just a part of the story.

Her total behavior IMO ads up to being that of an obsessive stalker and her unwillingness to take no for an answer as well as use the concept of screening to try to get personal information from other ladies is definitely a behavior that can be considered dangerous.
You have got to be KIDDING me.

I see you're now taking the stalker/bsc route that you hope will take. Trying to get info from ladies? Approached you and your girlfriend and shoved a shot glass in your hand? Begged you for interaction!?!? Where the hell do you get off with this nonsense. These absolute blatant lies about my interactions with you in person and online are absolutely insane, misconstrued, grandiose and just plain SCARY. You are taking this to another level and it's more than a little concerning.

You, Still Looking, and Randbfan should be ashamed. I haven't a clue what you have so much against me, and I don't care. Move on, leave me alone. This kind of existence must get old. Many people know me and the kind of person I am, and they know all I have to say to whoever reads this insanity is... CONSIDER THE SOURCE.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
The alert is not regarding where she approached me. It wasn't in public. It was at a private party made up of members of this community.

That is just a part of the story.

Her total behavior IMO ads up to being that of an obsessive stalker and her unwillingness to take no for an answer as well as use the concept of screening to try to get personal information from other ladies is definitely a behavior that can be considered dangerous. Originally Posted by Whispers
I see. Thanks for the clarification. It read as if she may have approached you in public.

You're entitled to your opinion of her behavior of course but it's not suitable for the Alerts forum as it currently stands. Useful info perhaps, but not an alert.

Whispers's Avatar
You have got to be KIDDING me. Originally Posted by JadeRose
Nope. Does it sound like I am kidding? Did my request to you in September sound like I was kidding?

Begged you for interaction?! Trying to get info from ladies? Originally Posted by JadeRose
Reported in other threads. One member that had similair interactions with you has disabled his account. Any idea why?

Approached you and your girlfriend and shoved a shot glass in your hand!? Where the hell do you get off? Originally Posted by JadeRose
Where I "get off" is no business of yours. But the description of the situation is accurate. Perhaps you had too much to drink?

These absolute blatant lies about my interactions with you in person and online are absolutely insane, misconstrued, grandiose and just plain SCARY. Originally Posted by JadeRose
I believe stating it is absolutely *edited* could be construed as a guideline violation.

You are seriously taking this to another level Originally Posted by JadeRose
Yes Jade. Because asking you to cease contacting me and reporting it has fallen on deaf ears. or eyes I guess.

Perhaps you have been done a disservice by staff if you were not directed and warned earlier that my request to quit contacting me via PM was reasonable and one you needed to honor. Take that up with them

and it's more than a little concerning. You really should be ashamed. Move on, leave me alone. Many people know me, and they know all I have to say to whoever reads this insanity is... CONSIDER THE SOURCE. Originally Posted by JadeRose
The PMs were RTMd to staff Jade.

Whether or not you have been warned or pointed before today is something I do not know but I do know that had you made the identical request of me copying staff on it and I were to have ignored that I would have been pointed and probably banned after the third contact for ignoring them and harassing you..

I have tried to limit any interaction with you to your attention seeking here on the board but you refuse to honor the simple request to limit your interactions to right here in CoEd where it cannot be mistaken that I have zero interest in you.

It's really quite simple Jade.

Do not approach me if you see me.

Do not PM me.

Do not call me.

Do not Text me.

I have Zero interest in knowing you as a person...

I have Zero interest in knowing you in your profession.....

I have Zero interest in seeing you as anything more than the butt end of a joke which is what you've proven to be for the last few months.......

There are many ladies in this community that I have met and treat with the respect they deserve that are in the same profession as you. There have been a handful over the years that lack discretion and class as well as the ability to know when they are not wanted.

I've never encountered or met anyone that sinks to your level and hope to never again. I believe you represent a danger to others in this community as a result of your inability to deal with rejection and the manner in which you attempt to gather personal information of members that express a dislike for you.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-17-2015, 11:05 PM

WhixxZy how many times do we have to tell you to NOT go out in public? Your mere aura is enough to send most women over the edge. Let alone your charming personality & debonnaire air of macho masculinity.

How many times must you be stalked after such encounters to realize, you are just too sexy to be seen in public?

Ladies, I wish to apologize...we have told him multiple times the dangers he faces when allowing women to gaze upon his awesome visage. He is rather naďve in these situations & simply doesn't understand the panty dropping effect he can have.

Perhaps we should have a day of viewing? We could wheel him out in an octagon {{{safe from the screaming legions of women dying to get their hands on him}}} & provide you ample time to pay homage. {{{NO PICTURES THOUGH>>>HE HAS KILLED MANY WOMEN SMPLY THROUGH HEART ATTACK WHEN SEEING HIM EVEN IN PICTURES}}}.

Again...hopefully this time the lesson has been learned.
Whispers's Avatar
.....we have told him multiple times the dangers he faces when allowing women to gaze upon his awesome visage. Originally Posted by Toyz
Not my "visage"...... I think it's just the eyes...... But they've never caused me this kind of problem with the Pros.....

I am used to my wallet earning me a little attention amongst those around the ones I spend money on.....

That I understand.....
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-17-2015, 11:32 PM
Not my "visage"...... I think it's just the eyes...... But they've never caused me this kind of problem with the Pros.....

I am used to my wallet earning me a little attention amongst those around the ones I spend money on.....

That I understand..... Originally Posted by Whispers
It must feel odd to be stalked...
To know that everytime you show up, you'll be targeted...
To wonder whats being said about you behind your back...
Wondering if they're going to be outside your door, by your bed, behind the shower curtain...

You do realize in some cultures, boiled cat is considered a delicacy right?
RandB fan's Avatar
Mod contacted regarding past statement that infer stocking

have fun, I will be

RandB fan's Avatar
Better smoked but hard to keep lit.

It must feel odd to be stalked...
To know that everytime you show up, you'll be targeted...
To wonder whats being said about you behind your back...
Wondering if they're going to be outside your door, by your bed, behind the shower curtain...

You do realize in some cultures, boiled cat is considered a delicacy right? Originally Posted by Toyz
Whispers's Avatar
You're entitled to your opinion of her behavior of course but it's not suitable for the Alerts forum as it currently stands. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
I see. I guess it will take the cat getting boiled before you see the problem. The fate of the pussy is on you sir....
How about both of you give the OK for the mods to disclose if one party's PM's to the other was RTM to the staff? And if the staff thought that this alleged RTM was warranted?

As a rank outsider as it stands all we have a a "He Said, She Said" fiasco. By having the staff chime in you can lay this matter to rest one way or the other. One party will be vindicated and the other can lick their wounds.

Or I could be wrong and such a simple resolution is somehow undesirable because rumors are the fuel of Austin co-ed.
Still Looking's Avatar
JadeRose names me and I wasn't even at the party! Sounds like an alert! Time will tell... Dante0322 / Mike Vronsucky!

Now I'm not a newbie and have been around a while and the last time a provider was allowed to conduct herself like JadeRose there was some free MOD fucking going on!

Whispers please pm me and let me know if any mods were present at the party. Also who invited her? Something is going on here and I just want to know who the players are so I can stand clear!
sixxbach's Avatar
Whispers please pm me and let me know if any mods were present at the party. ! Originally Posted by Still Looking
The attendance of any member, mod or not, are no one's business. Posting on the board someone's attendance is considered outing unless that member chooses to announce their attendance themselves.
