Why do so many providers spell out or obfuscate their phone numbers in their ads, particularly on Backpage? For example, instead of entering straightforward 816-555-1234 (fictitious, btw) they will mix numbers and words, or intersperse spaces, or hearts, or whatever.
Example: 816-5five5-one2three4
Maybe they do it because it cuts down on search engine hits for the phone number? In that case, that's a red flag to me. Only someone who has a reputation for fake pics or lousy service would want to avoid web searches or reviews. A good, trustworthy provider would encourage reviews and web searches, or at least not try to thwart them, and would appreciate hobbyists who do their homework. In my opinion.
What is your opinion?
Originally Posted by WhiteGentleman
The practice originated on Craigs List, because phone numbers were not allowed. If a provider entered her full phone number, the add would be deleted. So a mixture of numeric characters and written numbers was used to get around CL's censors.
Why it continues even on BP and here where it is not necessary? Who knows. Habit? An ineffective attempt at preventing phone numbers from being Googled? Perhaps.
When I see new providers use the mixture of characters and words, I am reminded of a funny Thanksgiving story. New bride calls up her mother on T-Day and boastfully tells her that she prepared the turkey exactly like her mother prepared it, down to remembering to put the dish drainer over the top of the turkey overnight. Mother bursts out laughing, and explains that the reason she covered the turkey with the dish drainer was to keep the cat from getting it.
In other words, I think new providers do it because they see other women doing it, without really knowing why, and assume that is how its done. I could be entirely wrong of course