providers and paralyzed clients? preference?

gimme_that's Avatar

I found this link about an australian sex worker (provider) who provides service to men who are paralyzed and can't talk in an effort to legalize prosititution.

We see many ladies who post preference as to the type of clients they won't see. Whether its no blacks, no obese men, etc.

Is their anyone who would actually consider seeing clients of this type?

Also. Are their any providers who are very much against seeing clients this way and wouldn't consider seeing one in session.

I just found it fascinating that men in these conditions were paying for compainionship such as this. But I thought if it was legal.......would a provider have to post if she was handicapped availiable or not........

Post your thoughts I'm curious what you guys think.
I have clients that are handicapp as well as mentally disabled in all degrees. I feel bad sometimes because it's hard to communicate and I then feel that because of the different ways, I don't want them to get strong feelings and then get hurt or get hurt myself because of something goes wrong later on down the road. It happens. I limit to how much I see them, they may be regulars but I do not see them like regular, regulars get. Nothing against them.. obvioulsy but just to keep the feelings not so high.
Is their anyone who would actually consider seeing clients of this type? Originally Posted by gimme_that
Why wouldn't a reputable escort see that type of client? They're men and have needs like any other man. While some women might not want to deal with that (and it's their right if they don't), why would you imagine most of us wouldn't? The incredulous tone of your question ("who would actually consider", as though it's some amazing thing) seems to me to reveal a deep misunderstanding about why many sex workers do what we do.

The Honest Courtesan had a column on this a while back:
London Rayne's Avatar
I only do incalls and many of the hotels I use do not make accommodations for the handicapped, so I have never entertained these clients. As long as I could communicate what was expected and what they wanted, I don't think I would have a problem with it. Hell....they might just be better in bed than many others lol!
gimme_that's Avatar
The "actually consider" part of my question wasnt meant to be percieved in a negative tone. It just appears that way Its hard to convey the tone of what I was trying to say with those words.

I thank you ladies for the replies. I was jus curious what other people thought.
One of the most pleasant, mind-blowing experiences I've had in the hobby was with a gent who is paralyzed from the waist down. Perhaps that one digit wasn't functional, but let me tell ya, he certainly made up for it! Took me quite a spell to desensitize. Lol!
I've had several encounters with men who are paralyzed/missing limbs/burns etc. Bothers me not at all and I am a curious person so I tend to ask a lot of questions about whatever the thing is. As long as it isn't contagious I have no problem.
She was paralyzed and in a wheel chair and liked to make the boys" happy" so we let her do that. Later we begged her to do that. If it was today I would pay her to do that.

We had no problems with it.
She was paralyzed and in a wheel chair and liked to make the boys" happy" so we let her do that. Later we begged her to do that. If it was today I would pay her to do that.

We had no problems with it. Originally Posted by catnipdipper
Did i understand this right?

You fucked your 2nd cousin who is paralyzed and in a wheelchair??

I'm trying not to be judgmental but......

1. looove the shoes, and
2. I'm not touching that one either...

@Gimme that, I have physically handicapped clients, and they are some of the sweetest you want to meet.
Naomi4u's Avatar

@Gimme that, I have physically handicapped clients, and they are some of the sweetest you want to meet. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
2. They take too long to finish

Was once handicap friendly. Never again. Thank goodness
I have seen several clients with some sort of disability. It really does not bother me as long as they let me know beforehand. I just want to know what to expect when I open the door. I don't want my surprised face to make my friend uncomfortable. I am very patient and don't mind if I spend a little extra time to make it happen. I've seen guys with Burns (does not bother me, a relative was burned beyond recognition so I'm used to it), guys who are paralyzed, and guys with some form of disfigurement. It really doesn't bother me.I guess you can say I'm an equal opportunity provider LOL.
Is their anyone who would actually consider seeing clients of this type?

I just found it fascinating that men in these conditions were paying for compainionship such as this. But I thought if it was legal.......would a provider have to post if she was handicapped availiable or not........ Originally Posted by gimme_that
First of all in this day and age there are so many programs available for computers to help translate for the blind, voice activated etc. Where there is a will (or need) there is a way. Always someone some where to help "fix" what needs fixed.

I've always been a equal opportunist provider so to speak, as long as they let me know.

Each lady has their own reasons for their do's and don'ts.

I had a brother that was paralyized, I saw how lonely and depressed he got at times. If he had a lady over he usually was in much better spirits for many days.

The theraputic factor is incrediable. That alone is so worth seeing a man with any type of handicap.

I remember years ago when I agree to give a horse training clinic to help a theraputic riding school out on a fund raiser how amazed I was by the benifits to the students. To see a person with Autism hyper and out of control suddenly become relaxed and focused. PLAINLY AMAZING!

I want to think the happiness I bring such clients holds a great theraputic impact for them that will last for days and help with functioning in the rest of their daily lives. This also can be said for "ANYONE" whom visits with me as well.
Is their anyone who would actually consider seeing clients of this type?

What is that supposed to mean? What "type" are you?

I just found it fascinating that men in these conditions were paying for compainionship such as this. But I thought if it was legal.......would a provider have to post if she was handicapped availiable or not........

You think because someone is disabled, they don't have needs like you? Are you kidding me? What planet do you live on? People are people. God forbid if you have an accident and can't fucking walk and you want some companionship. Can you imagine reading a thread like this, Gimme?

I found this link about an australian sex worker (provider) who provides service to men who are paralyzed and can't talk in an effort to legalize prosititution.

We see many ladies who post preference as to the type of clients they won't see. Whether its no blacks, no obese men, etc.

Is their anyone who would actually consider seeing clients of this type?

Also. Are their any providers who are very much against seeing clients this way and wouldn't consider seeing one in session.

I just found it fascinating that men in these conditions were paying for compainionship such as this. But I thought if it was legal.......would a provider have to post if she was handicapped availiable or not........

Post your thoughts I'm curious what you guys think. Originally Posted by gimme_that