Women’s Consignment Stores - west side

Michael8219's Avatar
Yes, I’ve used google and come up with a couple names of womens consignments: Gracie’s, Westchase, Baubles n beads, Dibs

Any input on which one or two are good? My ATF is looking to sell some stuff and doesn’t do online…

As an aside today she made me wait 8 minutes or so because her “brother” was visiting. The “brother” was white with an extremely starched shirt and she’s Asian!

Do you think he was adopted? Lol
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Abgesehen davon, passieren Adoptionen und interrassische Beziehungen.

Zum Hauptthema.... Nein. Ich kenne keine Konsignationsläden. Wenn sie altmodisch ist, veranstalten Sie einen Flohmarkt oder vielleicht einen Marktplatz
: To your aside, adoption and interracial relations do happen.

As to the main topic.... No. I don't know any consignment shops. If she's old fashion, have a garage sale or maybe Market Place :
Michael8219's Avatar
DG: Yes given my mixed family I definitely agree on the adoptions and variations. Important point I left out: I teased her about her “brother” she then called me “brother” as well!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Was ich gerade in der mutterlos.com-Suchmaschine für beschissene Pornos gelesen habe ???
: What in the motherless.com search engine of fucked up porn did I just read ??? :