Family and friends ???

tsrv4me's Avatar
In one of the threads ..someone asked about what Providers tell their Family and Friends... I was curious also ...What do you tell Friends and/or Family about your livelyhood you discuss it with them or tel them you are some other profession ...we hobbiests mostly just lie to family and friends about what we do and when ,I am sure .LOL Just Curious ....T
Lana Warren's Avatar
I work a regular full time job, so I really don't have to explain to anyone about my secret life! As for civilian friends, only a couple of them know what I do and that's only because I felt the need to tell them after a night of drinking......major pity party that night! LOL! As for family, no, but hell no! Absolutely see no reason at all to tell them! LOL!
tsrv4me's Avatar
I'll go with that ..very good answer ....It is no one elses business but yours ...but drink does do strange things and loosens many a tongue .LOL ...T
Well, my family, friends, roommate and neighbors know what I do...I'm a massage therapist!

NOW, having said THAT, I NEVER discuss what happens in session! I LOVE the fact that I don't have to hide!

Seriously, only my VERY closest friends know the extent of my business and that consists of about half a dozen people. THAT is a good thing too because sometimes you just gotta talk about work.
Lie? I don't have anything to lie about, I'm a massage therapist. Yep, a boring, no-nonsense, never-do-anything-sketchy therapist. I might blush if I ever saw someone's naughty bits and I think I'd faint if I ever accidentally touched someone "there". Ewwww!
Dharma, you REALLY should get out more darlin'! LOL!

I know what you mean though...I would be SO embarrassed too!

I am SO glad that we work so well together so that we don't have to worry about those naughty "accidents"!
Claude Reins to Humphrey Bogart "I am shocked, shocked to learn there is gambling at Ricks"

I recently have talked to two providers who informed their adult children about the hobby, they said they were relieved that they can't be outted to the ones that matter.