IS IT 2021 YET???

Loniibanksx's Avatar
This year has been one of the Slowest/Fastest ever so many numerous events I can’t keep up. I’ve been dying to get out for a drink or two and take a break from boredom.

What have your experiences from 2020 taught you?
Chung Tran's Avatar
I learned that Providers must be creative, because they can't explicity advertize here. I learned that when they are creative, it is good, because it sometimes causes me to learn they are on this Board. It's easy to go unrecognized without suble advertizing. I learned that viewing an avatar of a Provider can cause me to search her history. I learned that such searching can lead me to a previously posted pic, even as far back as July 28 (wink), that makes me drool. I learned that if such a Provider were to offer a very open menu, there's a solid chance we could make music together (more winks).
pmdelites's Avatar
that whike it can be very dekuteful, sex w/ a woman isnt everything.
no joke.