No not Trump not ever..

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No picture but you're going to vote for a republican anyway.
  • DSK
  • 03-18-2016, 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
"As the founders would have understood, he is a threat to the long and glorious experiment of American self-government.

Trump’s supporters deserve respect. They are left out of this economy."

Don't you understand - that's why we like Trump. He is going to turn all this shit upside down. America doesn't work anymore as currently situated - it needs to change. Especially "free" trade which has lost us millions of good manufacturing jobs in the USA in favor of Chinese made products.
I bet the author of that article is a Zionist Jew.

"They found more than five dozen untrue statements, or one every five minutes."

But. . .but . . .but they are biased by omission! Hillary is the anointed liar of this election!
"They found more than five dozen untrue statements, or one every five minutes."

But. . .but . . .but they are biased by omission! Hillary is the anointed liar of this election! Originally Posted by eatfibo
It's funny how they didn't name any, lol.

there must be an upcoming party in manhattan for which he desperately wants an invitation
It's funny how they didn't name any, lol. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It was linked in the article. You could just go read it yourself.

As I've said before: if one opposes Clinton because she is a "liar," but then votes for Trump instead, they've been fleeced by a sweet-talker.
It was linked in the article. You could just go read it yourself.

As I've said before: if one opposes Clinton because she is a "liar," but then votes for Trump instead, they've been fleeced by a sweet-talker. Originally Posted by eatfibo
I am not voting for Clinton because she is a liar. I am not voting for Clinton because she is a known criminal as well.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I was soooo looking forward to voting against Hillary.

I'll be staying home instead.
I was soooo looking forward to voting against Hillary.

I'll be staying home instead. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Hillary is hoping every other conservative minded voter does exactly the same thing.
  • DSK
  • 03-18-2016, 05:09 PM
I bet the author of that article is a Zionist Jew.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I don't think so. Mr. Trump loves the Jewish people, and they love him back.
I was soooo looking forward to voting against Hillary.

I'll be staying home instead. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Don't worry Brother! We got this...

Mitt Romney Endorses Ted Cruz…

This Means: WE ARE WINNING !!

Mitt Romney delivers the ultimate endorsement for Senator Ted Cruz via a Facebook post today where he announces his intent to vote for Cruz in the election next week.

The globalists within the corrupted UniParty are now in full panic mode because all previous attempts to destroy Donald Trump have failed. Both sides of the infected political body view candidate Trump as an existential threat to their ability to continue carrying out the objectives of the financial elites who construct legislative priorities.

The political extortion racket is at risk. Legislative “Toll Booths” may be lost.

Specifically because candidate Donald Trump refutes their money and the accompanying agenda, the various usurping agents on both sides of the UniParty are trying desperately to stop him, and remain in power. Wall Street, K-Street and the corrupt political officials they purchase are now desperate to stop Trump. Continue reading →

Do you think the NY Times does the same thing?

I don't think so. Mr. Trump loves the Jewish people, and they love him back. Originally Posted by DSK
The key word is "Zionist" They don't love Trump. They only thing they love is power and money. They have been the ruination of America along with the Freemasons. Who you'll find in Government on all levels. They also represent most members of the donor class that finance elections. Since Trump doesn't need the donor class to fund his election they don't need him and will go to great lengths to hinder his political success.
