The REAL KaraLynnKelley............. Warts and all!

sixxbach's Avatar
KaraLynnKelley is a provider who seems to pride herself on being a higher end hooker. She comes to Austin and promised to shake the Austin boards up. She of course, will portray herself as being a tad bit better than the local girls. Apparently, someone appointed her a hookaspokeswoman for the way Austin coed should be.

KaraLynnKelley posts trying to be come off as not your average hooker with her responses and "wit".

She took a shot at me in National Coed. Many thanks to the lovely ladies who PM'd me this link. I would not have seen this because quite frankly, her posts are not worth the time spent to read them......

And I quote...........

"Yall trip me out so much, I swear! This thread is currently in the same cycle as the "Hobbyist Attractiveness" thread; however the responses are completely different! It seems many escorts are willing to see someone old, fat, bald, short, handicapped and/or stupid (as evidenced by the fact Sixxbach of Austin has nearly 70 reviews)."

I have to ask what is wrong with any of the types of hobbyists you mentioned? Please clarify this. Are you putting down the women I have seen? Why put down the same hobby sisters you are sticking up for simply because they chose to see me? Your quote comes off as snobby. You are no better than any provider and/or hobbyist on this board.

Here is the link in case someone does not believe me....

KaraLynnKelley took it upon herself to take a shot at me. I have to ask why? I guess she is taking up for her provider buddies? Honey you are not worth the time it would take to jizz in your mouth. I don't get why you took a shot at me.....

She carries herself on the Austin boards like she is the hottest ebony provider on the boards. Please.... Naomi4U and Genesis Nicole are better looking but apparently KLK thinks her shit don't stink.

Anyway, just thought I would share. For a moment, I thought this gal had a little class but she showed she is just like many others.....

missi hart's Avatar
for a guy who proclaims himself as saying what he thinks regardless of what anyone might think about it, and if the person targeted protests you tell them to get a thick skin and/or call them whiners---you sure seem to lack that thick skin yourself and seem to be overly sensitive if someone might have a blunt opinion about you.

personally, all this "exposing" does is make me like kara lynn even more.
sixxbach's Avatar
I have no problem with her comments but for someone who claims to be above much of what is going on, she showed she is not.

She is simply mad that I called her threAD as such. Go back and read her threAD that she asked to be closed. I know you won't admit it was a threAD but anyone who isn't enamored with her knows that it is what is.....

WyldemanATX's Avatar
Yes sir KLK is something else. Kinda like our Pres says one thing and does another. Maybe she should be a politician.
  • Booth
  • 04-08-2011, 08:05 PM
I just wanted to be underneath Forrest. (in a message board sense, not a gay sense) Best moniker in board history.
Awww! Thanks Sixx! *blushing* I love it when you talk about me! Then I do not have to. Can you do me a favor? The next time you channel your unrequited love for me into a pseudo-detestation thread, can you PLEASE make sure to add my website, reviews and contact info? I'll help you:
TER ID: 128928
Eccie Showcase:

Thanks so much, because now I don't even need to post an ad when I return next week. You already did it for me! What better exposure could I ask for? You titled this thread like a freaking porno flick! "KARALYNNKELLEY EXPOSED!" I could not ask for any better free publicity. When I get back, I'mma take you out for some BBQ ribs. Don't act like you don't like ribs! Boy, you know you want some free ribs.
sixxbach's Avatar
Awww! Thanks Sixx! *blushing* I love it when you talk about me! Then I do not have to. Can you do me a favor? The next time you channel your unrequited love for me into a pseudo-detestation thread, can you PLEASE make sure to add my website, reviews and contact info? I'll help you:
TER ID: 128928
Eccie Showcase:

. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
I take it that you are not booking as planned? Plenty of girls who are booked before they hit the ATX.....

Well no BBQ for you! LOL

*edit* I bet Whispers will have BBQ with me! You're gonna be so mad when you hear all about the fun he and I had at the Salt Lick. I never thought you'd be the type to turn down free BBQ in order to prove an unprovable point. Oh well. Instead of BBQ, I'll just show my appreciation by repeatedly thanking you for this thread. xoxo
sixxbach's Avatar
Well no BBQ for you! LOL

*edit* I bet Whispers will have BBQ with me! You're gonna be so mad when you hear all about the fun he and I had at the Salt Lick. I never thought you'd be the type to turn down free BBQ in order to prove an unprovable point. Oh well.

WHISPERS? Whatcha doin early Sat afternoon, 4/16? Wanna get some BBQ? I know for a fact you like BBQ with a pretty gal on a Saturday afternoon. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Mad? Nope... anyone who thinks the Salt Lick is good is someone I would not eat BBQ with.............

sixx's Avatar
there's fighting in Libya, Ivory Coast, ....& here on eccie
what is this world coming to?
  • Vyt
  • 04-08-2011, 09:12 PM
Really? REALLY?


This thread is closed, and further threads intended solely to sling mud at people will earn points.