Goodbye.......for now

August Black's Avatar
Like the title says, it's unfortunate (or fortunate depending on who you ask) but the time has come for me to hang the gloves up, at least for a bit. I've met someone IRL and I'm going to see how things progress. I've enjoyed all the discussions & all the convos you folks have engaged in over the past few years and I've definitely enjoyed my run in the hobby. I'll still check in from time to time, and to the gentlemen who I've had running convos with via PM, always feel free to drop me a message; a RL relationship won't stop me from bouncing thoughts/advice back and forth. Ladies be safe cautious, and fellas the same goes for you x10000. Happy holidays to you all and please be safe!
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
Good luck. Hard habit to break....
Toonman's Avatar
Good luck AB.
Good luck AB hope it works out.
Hobby1750's Avatar
You'll be back... IRL just isn't as good as the Hobby, aka Disney-World for Men.