Remember, ECCIE is NOT private...

bluffcityguy's Avatar
And in case you ever thought it was, go look at this post on Gawker from November (I'm just catching up to it because it was linked on a couple days ago):

UPS Driver Has Sex with Hooker in Truck, Hooker Posts Photos Online

The Gawker post also mentions OKC's "video vigilante" Brian Bates, of "" fame. Which raises a further question in my mind: why hasn't one of his victims shot him dead yet? He's only been at it now for what? Seems like over 10 years, at least. He has to have made a metric fuckton of enemies by now.

As Clarence Darrow is supposed to have said, "I have never killed anyone, but I've read a few obituaries with pleasure." It would give me great pleasure to read Bates's.


rebel97's Avatar
well, at least we know what Brown can do for her (Sorry, I couldn't resist).

Thanks for the reminder. I think people forget this is still a public board that anyone can access. Just because you have to "register", doesn't mean it's secure. All you need is an email address and you can register and see what most posts. For $20 bucks, you can see pretty damn near everything.
Which raises a further question in my mind: why hasn't one of his victims shot him dead yet? He's only been at it now for what? Seems like over 10 years, at least. He has to have made a metric fuckton of enemies by now. Originally Posted by bluffcityguy

There used to be this fuckface preacher from Oklahoma (and what is it with Oklahoma?) that would come take pictures of license plates in Dallas strip club parking lots. He would then get the home address of the license holder and send a picture of the car and a letter to the presumed woman of the house about "This is What Your Husband is Doing". I marvel he never got shot. But then again, that church in Kentucky that protest soldier's funerals are all still walking around, so maybe we are a little more evolved than they are.
SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
I think it's really odd that Bates would position himself as someone dedicated to fighting human trafficking, and then try to shame an independent provider who is clearly not trafficked...
I do not agree with his actions or intentions. At the same time, I do not want anyone to kill him over his choices.

BCG, you always seem to be a good guy and a solid contributor to this forum. That said, lets not entertain such actions even in jest.
From JohnTV website: "JohnTV focuses its efforts on public, forced and organized prostitution. JohnTV takes no stance against, and supports the decriminalization of, 100% consensual, private and unorganized prostitution."

Clearly a statement that could be interpreted in a variety of ways. By nature of marketing and setting appointments, isn't all prostitution 'organized' to some degree?
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I do not agree with his actions or intentions. At the same time, I do not want anyone to kill him over his choices.

BCG, you always seem to be a good guy and a solid contributor to this forum. That said, lets not entertain such actions even in jest. Originally Posted by Idigress
I am not jesting. Neither am I advocating that action be taken, however:

1) Many of the ladies Bates has exposed are streetwalkers, who I'm sure have pimps.

2) Pimps, like drug dealers (and I'm sure many of them do deal drugs as well as women), have been known to take violent action against people who interfere with their business.

3) In this day and age a lot of guys carry a handgun (openly--Oklahoma is apparently an open-carry state--or concealed); I'd suspect a certain number of them frequent streetwalkers.

4) One of these days it seems (to me, anyway) very likely that Bates is going to find himself on the business end of a handgun, wielded either by a pimp protecting his business, or by a streetwalker's customer scared and/or outraged at the invasion of his perceived "privacy" and facing exposure of his participation in the hobby.

5) bcg is not sentimental about the life of every human being who has drawn breath. Certain of them are basically reprehensible people whose deaths will in some way, however small, improve life for the rest of us, and bcg will not shed a tear or voice any regret for their passing. He will, in fact, feel a distinct pleasure at learning of their passing, whether as a result of natural causes or as a result of some human or non-human agent. I won't bore you by enumerating the people who are (or have been) on the list of those people, but you've probably guessed by now that Brian Bates is one of them.

Think of me as being reprehensible if you want, but I'm not going to apologize for that.



A fine line you draw. I am aware of the potential of violence in our world. I am just questioning the sensibility of calling for it and targeting specific individuals. I assume that you read more than this discussion board.