Clean and Safe

thesultryrobynn's Avatar
I have a good question.

A lot of guys prefer BB over anything else so my question and everyone including females may tag along. Does anyone think of how many guys these ladies or men are with on a daily basis? and if so does anyone think of all the stds out there? I ask b/c if I took on every guy that asked I may wake up to blisters on my mouth or something I can't get rid of such as, herpes, aids ect ect. How many guys would still want to hang out with me? or how about take something home to your other? I wonder b/c it seems like a lot could careless about diseases and I don't think it would sound right if i was like oh hey baby i forgot to tell you i have one or more of these diseases b/c I wasnt careful but I still want us to be together. Please help me to understand this b/c I rather be down and out then to give in.
jbravo_123's Avatar
For one thing, it's very difficult to get HIV through oral transmission (you need to have open sores or cuts in your mouth or something for that to happen).

Secondly, I would think that before anyone gives a BBBJ, they're going to look at what they're putting their mouth on before doing so. If you see obvious sores/lesions or hell if it looks just plain nasty, then don't do it!

What you cannot see can still kill you dead.


Those of us that prefer BBBJ have chosen to take that risk. The ladies who choose to over BBBJ have decided from a marketing standpoint they are willing to take that risk. In deference to bravo, there is some data that suggest that BBBJ does not carry as high a risk as BBFS or unprotected anal sex. That data has been argued here many times and no one ever wins the argument.

For providers and hobbyist,

You make a choice, you decide the risk level you are comfortable with. And you go forward. If a lady is not ready to leap out there and provide BBBJs, then she may limit her market size. But it is her choice to provice CBJ or BBBJ. I don't think any of us can condemn her for her choice.

As guys, we get to choose where we spend our money. Supply & demand to some degree will determine the price for such services. The market variables are much too complicated to discuss here, despite the many attempts by some guys to explain them to us.
Cpalmson's Avatar
The market sets itself. I prefer a BBBJ with CIM, but I will see a CBJ lady. However, if I see a CBJ lady, her price point has to be lower or she needs to offer a longer session. We all make compromises and choices. The worst is a CBJ only lady with GPS. I've seen girls wanting $400 for an hour and are CBJ. I just laugh as she is not getting my business unless she is willing to do 2 hours for $400.
canuckvic's Avatar
Risks are low however if this is of high concern to you, it's probably best you leave the hobby and eliminate your risk completely - js
Crimson32's Avatar
eliminate your risk completely - js Originally Posted by canuckvic
Well what fun would that be?
pyramider's Avatar
Risks are low however if this is of high concern to you, it's probably best you leave the hobby, resume downloading porn, and eliminate your risk completely - js Originally Posted by canuckvic

Just helping completing your thought.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
Everything is risky. It just matters what risks you feel comfortable with.
LaStang's Avatar
most figure they are so old will be dead in 10 years or so anyways .... thinking like that causes judgement to go out the window .
thesultryrobynn's Avatar
Oh I never said it was a high risk concerning myself it was just a simple question. Everyone here is entitled to handle business their own way. I choose to keep it safe regardless if it slows down my clientel or not. Its just a risk I choose not to take but I don't knock anyone who does take that risk. Just being in the business is risky in its self. I just wanted feedback and the thoughts of others. Believe me if I though I was at a high risk I wouldn't be here. If it was mandatory I wouldn't be here but I do have a choice. Thanks everyone for your feedback it def helped me to understand some of the mens thoughts on this.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Robin, I agree with everything you are saying and I can tell from the way you worded your post that you and I have like-minds (we focus on small details) but not alot of people think like us. I would say most providers and hobbiest are aware of the risks, its just a risk that they are comfortable taking. I think tigercat summed it up best ....

I can tell you I drive 100 MPH on the freeway with no seat belt and my friends and family think I am psycho ... but it's just the risk I'm willing to take. I think it falls back on "to each their own".
* Just for the sake of full disclosure ... I am CBJ only and am against BBBJ in this business *

Those of us that prefer BBBJ have chosen to take that risk. Originally Posted by tigercat
Everything is risky. It just matters what risks you feel comfortable with. Originally Posted by smoothnsilky
cabletex7's Avatar
You're not bringing this up because you want someone to change your mind.
And you're not here to change anyone else's mind.
Soooooo, you bring it because . . .
You're trying to convince yourself, and you want others to pitch in, that CBJ only isn't hurting your business?
Or because this topic has never come up before (odd that it hasn't, huh?) and you got to wondering which guys prefer. With the shiny condom or just nasty bare skin? The suspense is killing me.
thesultryrobynn's Avatar
Thanks Brooke & cabletex really?? Sorry but Negative on your thoughts. I can care less about how other providers handle their business it has no affect on me, once again to each his own. This post was so not about the provider but the thought process of men in the business. Thank you
Wakeup's Avatar
Our thought process is that we don't give a shit if you end up with a'll leave the business and five more who look just like you will appear...

Life goes on...
JONBALLS's Avatar THATS funny ...