Why can't providers post on reviews?

This is just a curiosity. If there is some kind of controversy with a provider during a session, there is no place for her to put a rebuttal on his review unless it's in some other distant thread. Or if she agrees and just wants to say "thanks it was great" I don't see the big deal in that. Rules are rules I guess but what would it take to maybe bend or change this one?
I've wondered about that myself. It stands to reason, if a provider endorses the review with a "thanks, it was great, etc." Wouldn't that give the reviewer a thumbs up for future provider screenings? Hence, creating a win-win situation for all concerned.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Your request seems reasonable to me.

. . . However, I think it has to do with keeping order on this already raucous board and may only invite trouble.

joesmo888's Avatar
Just a guess but I think a lot of guys would be intimidated and be less likely to post a review if they posted a review and then had a provider post a rebuttal whether good or bad. I've seen on other sites like this where they allow this and battles break out between provider and hobbyist lol..

plus we have a situation like this already in a particular forum right now where a provider who isn't verified is bumping a bunch of her review threads that are months old either thanking the reviewer or posting more info about herself. when i read the reviews i want to see the recent ones up top first, not ones from a year ago.
policy should change,,, let them post
Wakeup's Avatar
Providers should be allowed to post only in the ad forums...nowhere else...
Helicopter206's Avatar
Really Most Providers Have Fake Accounts, so they can post their own reviews, or comment on a review.
Just think about it. if you can get PA for just posting a review, why couldn't the provider post a fake review about herself and get PA...
Come on people get real....
It might inadvertently inject too much realism and/or drama into the review areas.
Providers should be allowed to post only in the ad forums...nowhere else... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
this would be all fine and guud,,, but then you have

Really Most Providers Have Fake Accounts, so they can post their own reviews, or comment on a review.
Just think about it. if you can get PA for just posting a review, why couldn't the provider post a fake review about herself and get PA...
Come on people get real.... Originally Posted by Helicopter206

plus whatever they cant guarner from that therell be the wk's

so let them post for the entertainment value

any provider can start her own thrAD in co ed about any review anyways
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Fake accounts?? It's really not that serious. I have much more pertinent and interesting things to do with my downtime. It always good to know what hobbiest perceive us as though. I' m sure it happens, but as far as most.....come on MAN!!
Cpalmson's Avatar
I wondered the same thing but then I remembered back to when E.Com was around. Providers could comment on the reviews left there. Let's just say a few flame wars developed. I think it is best to keep the provider out of the review forums. At least it is an attempt to limit any drama (even though we know providers can and will find what is posted about them).
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Fake accounts?? It's really not that serious. I have much more pertinent and interesting things to do with my downtime. It always good to know what hobbiest perceive us as though. I' m sure it happens, but as far as most.....come on MAN!! Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
You'd be surprised how many providers don't have anything better to do than create fake handles, use a favorite's account, go elsewhere to find out information that isn't available to them otherwise.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
On our local board, providers have a chance to rebut a review and have the final say! Other gents cannot comment once a review has been posted. Besides, with all the White Knighting going on when someone posts a negative review here, I'm not sure what additional value a provider could add to her own review?
for me i think it helps encourages good service the first time. i don't want to hear some bs story of why you did not perform with the client. by them not commenting....it kind of hold them accountable from a review perspective if they insist on positive recommending status.
Let's say the women had a chance to post on their own reviews, don't you think you would like to see how they handle the situation?

If the review was bad, how did she react? Was it with class and grace or was it with fists swinging?

Would that help you decide if you wanted to see a lady or not?