Providers! - How can we service you?

Hi - After scanning through this thread, I realized no one has stopped to ask what are the UNIQUE issues/concerns/pain points that providers face today and are inadequately served.

As the world's oldest profession, there are still many issues plaguing the safety, privacy & legality. Many of which, go unsolved due to the hobby's inability to speak openly. I hope you can all provide your issues to by replying to this post. By doing so it will help spark the creative minds of the board's activists and allow for remarkable innovation.

I once read an article that mentioned the average "On-Line Hobbyist" makes over $120K+ a year. A few of these salaries may come from going through life following the status quo; however, I think it's a fair assumption to think that many of these professionals are quite savvy business folks. Many of which who are entrenpenuers, investors and boardroom decision makers. In short it's comprised of some brilliant and talented individuals that may be able devise solutions beyond your wildest dreams.

As I alluded to above, the hobby is a unique niche faced with a set of unique and serious issues. The best way to begin solving them is to get people thinking about them.

I hope you can all actively engage in his discussion and provide the group with your unique concerns so that they can be better served. NOTE: if you do not feel comfortable posting publicly, please send a PM and I will anonomously post them on your behalf.