Public Service announcement- Pay attention

When a guy is going to a girls incall, and decided to park across the street and walk over, great first idea.
When doing this, make sure to check your surrounding. It's probably not the best thing when the maid sees you wonder from across the street looking like you have no idea where you are going and watches exactly where you are going.
Maybe its a back page guy and not anyone here.
Maybe I miss read it since its what I do and I was projecting.
Either way. Pay attention to your surroundings.
FunInDFW's Avatar
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-11-2014, 02:51 PM
Step one of not being noticed- don't do anything stupidly weird to get noticed in the first place. Like park across the street from the hotel you are going to and walk over. Act like you belong there, and no one will pay attention to you to begin with.
Mydallas - I'd suggest taking your phone with you and show the maid her profile and she can point you to her. Don't worry, they all know what's really going on any way.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 09-11-2014, 04:07 PM
That's why I wear a ski mask.
theshadow00's Avatar
Are you could go to the front decks and ask for her room number
doug_dfw's Avatar
Step one of not being noticed- don't do anything stupidly weird to get noticed in the first place. Like park across the street from the hotel you are going to and walk over. Act like you belong there, and no one will pay attention to you to begin with. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Right I love my ATF for the instruction:. The elevators are on ----. Walk in like you are checked in and leave the back door if close; or walk out like you are late for a meeting. Behaviour appropriate to the environment beats even the security camera. Ask any security pro- they rely on that inappropriate behavior.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Depends on what you're worried about. If you're worried about the locals causing problems for your provider, then park close like you were visiting a friend or already checked in and march in like you own the place. If worried about the provider snagging your plates, park out of sight, try to seem natural, and don't sweat it if the maid thinks you're an idiot.

Even real world folks get lost or wander around. I remember meeting my mom once at a hotel in town and roaming in the lobby and halls for 10-15 minutes on the phone with her trying to figure out where to go, thinking "if this were a provider, I would worry that I was arousing all sorts of suspicion right now". I worried a lot less in hotels after that. Basically, don't attract unnecessary attention, and don't worry overmuch about the attention you do attract (or at the very least, don't act worried).
pyramider's Avatar
I wear this

Bob the Nailer's Avatar
I go in like I'm staying at the hotel and go to the mens restroom on the first floor if I need to, otherwise I sit in my vehicle until notified of the room number. Mostly do what Ze said.
Im always cautious with new providers and I try to arrive at their incall fairly early to scope out the place. if its their personal residence I feel a little better but if its a hotel (especially a shitty one) I keep my guard up. This may sound funny, but I even back my car in just in case I need to GTFO in a hurry. If there is an actual lobby, I'm always checking out the mofo's just hanging around fucking with their cell.
bojulay's Avatar
Put your cell phone to your ear and pretend to be talking to someone
about something that sounds like you are on a business/vacation trip as you
are walking into the hotel. Looks perfectly natural, and you don't have to worry
about looking lost or out of place. Also don't have to worry about conversation
or even looking at the people behind the desk.

Saying something like. Yeah, Bob is flying in this afternoon and we are all
meeting up. Yeah, the weather is pretty nice here.

Having a little travel bag with extra towels, etc, with you is a good
idea also.
Clouddancer's Avatar
Put your cell phone to your ear and pretend to be talking to someone
about something that sounds like you are on a business/vacation trip as you
are walking into the hotel. Looks perfectly natural, and you don't have to worry
about looking lost or out of place. Also don't have to worry about conversation
or even looking at the people behind the desk.

Saying something like. Yeah, Bob is flying in this afternoon and we are all
meeting up. Yeah, the weather is pretty nice here.

Having a little travel bag with extra towels, etc, with you is a good
idea also. Originally Posted by bojulay
Good advice. Just remember to turn the ringer off. Having the phone ring while talking on it is a dead give away.
I walk in with a fast good bag, drink, sometimes an empty laptop bag or iPad case, and a hotel room key or gift card which looks like a room key. This looks as if I am a guest and belong there or bringing a friend food.
I walk in with a fast good bag, drink, sometimes an empty laptop bag or iPad case, and a hotel room key or gift card which looks like a room key. This looks as if I am a guest and belong there or bringing a friend food. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
I like that fast food bag. That's a good idea.