Off the clock meet and greets for potential clients?

Luvdatpuddy's Avatar
This idea just occurred to me, and while I'm not sure it is a great one yet (or even a good one, so hey, chime in, especially the ladies), but I'll throw it out there anyway.

I was just reading a review about someone who ponied up a bunch of money (granted, to an escort agency, rather than an individual), and didn't get either of the ladies that he specified. So, this idea came to me.

What about if the ladies (or whoever is interested in the notion) made an option available for first time customers - kind of a mini meet & greet. No up front fees, but the lady picks the bar/restaurant, and the guy is responsible for the tab. Something along the lines of 30 minutes to an hour. Gives both people a chance to meet, check each other out, and more importantly, determine if there is any chemistry vibe there. As a side effect, it might serve as a low-key, safe screening opportunity for the ladies. Okay, I'm being selfish - I never have references, hobby very infrequently (so no one really remembers me), and absolutely hate the bait and switch. If I could do some sort of "safe screening" that costs me a dinner, I'd jump on the chance with several of Austin's finest. I just don't like the notion of scheduling an appointment with someone else just for the purpose of maintaining a reference history (I'd much rather buy a lady that I'm interested in dinner and drinks).

Ladies, if this is a non-starter for you, all good. You run your business how you want to run it, and you won't hear squat from me (except kudos when I see things that I think are good business practices). This may be a total waste of time from your perspective, and you may have much better things to do. I just thought it might be a useful tool to expand your client base if you have an interest in doing that.

Anyway, sound off, peeps. I know that many of you have very solid review histories (gals and guys), so this probably wouldn't be useful or appeal to you. Just a notion, and as I mentioned before, I'm not even convinced myself that it is a great one, but wanted to raise the notion.
I'm afraid it's a pipedream, but it's one I wish would come true. The type of provider I'm generally attracted to is also extremely likely to require references and/or reviews. I've offered to do nontraditional screening several times, but have only had one girl who was willing to take the time to check me out and see me. I'm not blaming the ladies at all....I completely understand their desire to protect themselves. However, I believe a couple of cocktails and some laughs in a public place would be a good way for each of us to feel more comfortable...even excited...about meeting up BCD. Just a newby/lurkers two cents.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 11-03-2013, 02:20 PM
Austin, and the world, are getting smaller and smaller.

So there you are at your mini-M&G when you are spotted by a civie acquaintance or friend. They are not interested in what's on the menu as much as the "dish" that's with you. Worse case is they come to your table. Are you ready with an introduction?

Even afterwards, if they don't intrude, do you have something "in the can" if they ask you about your date?

You might not care about yourself but the lady's security might be in jeapordy.

There are two ladies, former providers, that I'll take out to dinner when I travel back to Ohio. Although they've known me for over 12 years, and know my real name, they'll still call me Loxly. Once we were in a restaurant and one of my Cousins walked in. I waved to them after I notice they saw me and that was that. They were, however, still within hearing range of our conversations.

Months later, at a family thing, my Cousin approached me to ask about "Loxly". I dodged the bullet by saying that was my AOL handle and the ladies were part of a group that mingled often. Last that it was ever mentioned.

I do like your idea and it'd probably work out all right for me since I don't know many folks "in these parts", but that might not hold true for you or the Provider.

As with all things in the hobby world it's...CYA.
This sounds good, but I don't think it would be useful for you for several reasons:

The girls in demand don't need to do this. It ties up too much of their time, and all they get out of it is a meal.

The girls that aren't in high demand may do this, but then you may not need much for references to begin with. And again, you are tieing up a chunk of their time for the price of a meal.

This could also be abused by guys that just want a cheap lunch date with no intent of making an appointment. So girls may stay away from this too.
Britttany_love's Avatar
This sounds good, but I don't think it would be useful for you for several reasons:

The girls in demand don't need to do this. It ties up too much of their time, and all they get out of it is a meal.

The girls that aren't in high demand may do this, but then you may not need much for references to begin with. And again, you are tieing up a chunk of their time for the price of a meal.

This could also be abused by guys that just want a cheap lunch date with no intent of making an appointment. So girls may stay away from this too. Originally Posted by JJones

Well said.. I agree! I remember something like this being discussed before and some ladies chimed in saying they wont do dinner meet n greets because most of the time the gentlemen don't schedule an appointment which was the whole purpose. Me personally if you don't have the screening requirements to meet me bcd, I most definitely will not meet a "stranger" for dinner and put my safety in jeopardy. There are newbie friendly provider locally plus we get traveling ones on a regular basis I'm sure anyone can find someone on the list to see to get a reference. If may not be who you wanted to see initially but if you want to see someone with a strict screening policy your gonna have to make a sacrifice sometimes.
Another problem may be that checking references is not to just find out if you can afford a meal, or if you have a pleasant personality. It is whether you are safe BCD, which reference checking with other providers would verify. But buying someone a meal does not mean they would be safe BCD.

Basiclly what I am trying to say is, reference checking is to find out:

Is the gentleman safe to be with BCD
Does he pay
Does he leave when he is supposed to

Buying someone lunch doesn't answer any of these questions.
Luvdatpuddy's Avatar
Yeah, I can see the logic behind the points raised. Disappointing, but makes sense. Ah well, so be it.
This sounds good, but I don't think it would be useful for you for several reasons:

The girls in demand don't need to do this. It ties up too much of their time, and all they get out of it is a meal.

The girls that aren't in high demand may do this, but then you may not need much for references to begin with. And again, you are tieing up a chunk of their time for the price of a meal.

This could also be abused by guys that just want a cheap lunch date with no intent of making an appointment. So girls may stay away from this too. Originally Posted by JJones
Well said.. I agree! Originally Posted by Britttany_love
To meet someone OTC does tie up a good deal of time, and those of us who are fortunate to be busy, generally speaking, it's simply not cost effective. You may secure one appointment with the meeting, but you miss out on 2 you could have entertained within the time frame of coffee or a meal.

I've only done this once myself. A hobbiest wanted to purchased 2, 60 minute Fbsm gift certificates, for the Ladies he had scheduled to meet the following weekend. We met for coffee, and what I thought would be a 15 minute exchange. To my delight, and surprise, our hour long conversation also secured a 3 hour FBSM appointment for myself. We just happened to really hit it off. But those kinds of meetings are very few and far between. I also checked his references before meeting him in a public place.

Speaking of, Ladies, let me know if you need my link again to schedule your appointments

the lady picks the bar/restaurant Originally Posted by Luvdatpuddy
Uchi, Eddie V's, III Forks, Hudson's on the Bend, Driskill Grill. I'll do a dinner and drinks M&G at any of these places

Speaking of, Ladies, let me know if you need my link again to schedule your appointments

Originally Posted by Mia Christine
Yes please! Hoping to get in this week - I'm dying!
Reincarnated's Avatar
Thats what our monthly socials are for!
Bobave's Avatar
Thats what our monthly socials are for! Originally Posted by Reincarnated
Please don't try to hijack the thread. Some people don't like the idea of larger groups; talk about drawing attention...
Please don't try to hijack the thread. Some people don't like the idea of larger groups; talk about drawing attention... Originally Posted by Bobave
Sorry Bob but Reincarnated was very much on topic. Much more than a couple of other posts...
He offered an alternative way to M&G.
cckid2006's Avatar
Please don't try to hijack the thread. Some people don't like the idea of larger groups; talk about drawing attention... Originally Posted by Bobave
Sounded like an ad to me. Back on topic - I've done this with several ladies, but always offer a Grant to make it worth their while.
What if a provider were to charge a fee for a first time "meet and greet" and then subtract it from her fee the first time meeting with that client BCD?

That way, if he sees her again, he gets credit for the money he spent meeting her.

Yet, if he doesn't see her again, she didn't waste her time meeting him for nothing.