I've had a hard time looking for late night fun lately and was wondering what kind of hours are best. Some of you post times, some say 24/7...but rarely honor true 24/7.
The world wants to see the fresh and perky you, so when would that time be?
If someone can give me at least an hour, or better yet 90 minutes, advance notice, I can be at my best at any hour. Mostly because of my location, being on the Northshore, it takes me an hour to get across the lake. I get late night urges too! And first thing in the morning, mmmmmmmmmm........ sometimes is the best!
I prefer the happy hour times but I know that those times don't always fit my clients needs so I am always willing to do my best to work with someone's schedule
I like to have a day of advanced notice.
Then, I reconfirm two hours in advance.
This gives me ample time to be washed, dressed, and beautiful at any hour. Though, I don't prefer to be awake after eleven, because I'm an early morning person.
If I have school, it's always after 1 p.m. and before 9 p.m. Friday is my off day, but I still have my child who gets out of school at 4. Always need to know the day before so I can arrange my schedule around studying, my other job, school, and the little one.
When I tour it is just the opposite. I am ready to go at 9 a.m. and only do dinner dates past 6 p.m. I don't need much notice at all since I am in work mode....provided the gent has refs that don't take 2 days to get back lol.
If I could pick and choose my hobby hours, I would always prefer bar hours lol. 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. is when I am at my kinky best.