Man Down

LilRed's Avatar
Take a look at this ladies:

A new book has been released by Dan Abrams that only confirms what we already know right??. It is called Man Down. And it was written by a man. I'm going to grab a copy today.
DallasRain's Avatar
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Book does look interesting, but that author never met my ex, lol. Women are more forgiving than men?!!!!! My ex could remeber something I had done ten years ago and throw it in my face - FORGIVING?!!!! Wow

All in all still interesting
rogerdodger's Avatar
looks like he is making money selling a book to women. good for him. all i sure of is females are different from males.
marco2007's Avatar
Women talk less than men? You should see my wife's phone bill. The minutes and the text charges are killing me. Half of the time I can't get a word in edge wise at home, and when I do she doen't pay attention anyway.

Women bond better with cats. Right. She talked me into keeping a stray and now she's tired of vacuuming cat hair and says she wishes the g**d*** cat would die.

Women use more sunscreen? They use more of all kinds of face goo. I have two cabinets full of creams, lotions and potions at home. The stuff costs a fortune.

Maybe the book is satire. I don't know.
LilRed's Avatar
Marco, you should get your wife an unlimited plan on her phone. It is a lot cheaper than paying per text. And she can text and talk all she wants.

Get her an iRobot and that will end the cat hair argument. It really works and worth the price to not hear about the cat's hair.

The lotions are to keep her looking young. Keep telling her how beautiful she is and maybe she will not think she needs the expensive lotions.

As far as making her pay attention to you more...I have no idea???

The lotions, well, y
Marco, you should get your wife an unlimited plan on her phone. It is a lot cheaper than paying per text. And she can text and talk all she wants.

Get her an iRobot and that will end the cat hair argument. It really works and worth the price to not hear about the cat's hair.

The lotions are to keep her looking young. Keep telling her how beautiful she is and maybe she will not think she needs the expensive lotions.

As far as making her pay attention to you more...I have no idea???

The lotions, well, y Originally Posted by LilRed
Maybe he should try some of those lotions. Iam just saying, whats good for the goose is good for the Gander.