Hobby Goofus vs. Hobby Gallant

inspector farquar's Avatar
Hobby Gallant plays nicely with the sexy playful LADIES who bring pleasure to our lives.

Hobby Goofus starts threADs calling these same ladies WHORES and demeaning them.

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Are there any Hobby Goofus characters in Austin?
Only one type of goofus, they ride these
inspector farquar's Avatar
I'm sure I've seen you upon a steed a time or two before.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah'm a hobby Doofus. Sounds close ta Goofus butt thar's a world o' diff'rence. Fer one, Ah'm a lot fatter an ' uglier An' Ah smells wurst, too!
Smpslt7's Avatar
Lots of old Boy Scouts out there! Goofus and Gallant! LMAO!
I always did like Goofus better.
quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 04-03-2017, 08:23 PM