As the gop sinks slowly into the West

Munchmasterman's Avatar

This is the time for them to do this. Looks like the dems just picked up 6 votes (3 new ones "for" and got rid of 3 "against".)

What kind of trend is this, whirly?
That guy Amesh is probably to ambitious for rest of them. So they kicked him to the curb. I say this sort of stuff is typical to both parties. Let a Democrat show some sense they'll kick him to the curb too.
Despite your empty pontification; here are the facts......

And for the dumb Democrats who can't read, here it is in bar graph picture.

1. The 2012 election was the perfect status quo event. On November 6 Americans by the millions went through a massive exercise of going to the polls and voting, only to awake the next morning to find that nothing had changed—other than a welcome respite from the incessant phone calls from the campaign headquarters. There was the same president, the same majority party in the House of Representatives, and the same majority party in the Senate. John Boehner was still Speaker of the House, and Harry Reid Majority Leader of the Senate. Above all, the election offered no feeling of renewal, no sense of a new direction for public policy.

2. Obama made history in 2012 almost as much as he did in 2008. For the first time, an incumbent won re-election to a second term while receiving fewer votes than in his first election. All other victorious incumbents—most recently Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush—gained electoral strength, Obama lost it.

3. The relative position of the two parties nevertheless remains very close, and the nation evenly divided. Democrats have the edge "horizontally" at the national level, while Republicans have a large advantage "vertically" at the state level. The GOP holds 30 of the 50 governors and has full control (both houses of the legislature and the governorship) in 23 states compared to 12 for the Democrats. The United States is far from being anything like a pure blue nation. Republicans have both a legitimate claim and the power to exercise a significant role in governing.

4. It is a stretch to see a robust majority coalition in 50.4% of the population, especially for an incumbent president who had all the advantages of his office, faced no competition for the nomination, had more money to spend (without fear of being accused of buying an election), and had four years to build a formidable organization.

5. At the state house level the era of Progressive politics is being dismantled in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, NJ, and now Michigan. Last night the State of Michigan put itself on track to get rid of the union closed shop rules that was choking off economic growth ! That's right, in the state that the UAW was born, unionization is being de-legislated ! All with the consent of Michigan citizens and their Tea Party representatives.
At the state house level the era of Progressive politics is being dismantled in Wisconsin, Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Hey Whirly speaking of Wisconsin, is there any truth to the rumor that state is still "trending" Romney?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, leave it to the states. They've got their shit together.

Where the fuck are you Whirlyturd? Kansas? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, they've got their shit together! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I would rather trust my future to a Marxist Kenyan than to Governor Goodhair and his legion of dipshits here in Texas. Perry thinks he's helping the people of Texas (read white folks) by fighting Federal subsidies for education, health care, etc. WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT! I PAID THOSE TAXES! I WANT MY SHARE BACK GODDAMMIT! Can any of you douchebags tell me why I shouldn't be able to benefit from the federal taxes I've already paid?

You're an imbecile Whirlyturd!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think even you should be allowed to keep a much greater share of those taxes, Assup, and decide for yourself how to spend it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You don't deserve shit until you admit you had your ass handed to you by LL.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When it happens, I'll admit it. It hasn't yet.

<<< Assup // COG >>>
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have no credibility until you stop insisting LL didn't prove you wrong.
And even then you won't be able to prove you're not a weenie!