Welcome Back SweaterPuppies

Boltfan's Avatar
Now everyone get to kissing ass!
fletch's Avatar
Honesty such as this cannot be suppressed, even on etchy...welcome back doll!!

Oh theres my heroe. FLETCHY
Lets see if it can get 2000 views or 50 responses. You go it!
fletch's Avatar
for someone who throws the word 'stalker' around like its the merriam word of the day, i see that it took you all of 3 mins to try to start chit with me. maybe a little introspection would help.

as for the views and responses, ya they do add up quickly when half are yours.

this is sweaterpuppies welcome back threAD, i have left yours alone.
Its funny because when I am banned all you do is talk about me 24 7. The day I get unbanned your ridding my ass within tje first hour by the way. Oh and I added it up ive replied 13 times. Lets not add up the 5 times I had to throw it back at Boltfan. Hey lets also see how many times ive been added to the hottest more prettiest and so on and so on threads. Are how many wb threads somebody always starts for me. No go on Fletchy you won't win this battle.
Its clear I dont like you no wate hate you and you dont like me. Grow some balls and back off already. Be the big guy Fletchy
fletch's Avatar
i'll have to be honest, i didn't actually count how many of your replies were on the 'welcome back' threAD, but the fact that you did forces me to concede to you the 'win' on that point.

i'll also concede the point that some wk of yours always starts a 'welcome back' threAD for you, but the fact that it has happened multiple times should say something in itself, shouldn't it?

you say that you hate me, ok fine. i have been leaving you alone, however you always seem to find a way in your mind to make any post i make on any thread(AD) about you. don't flatter yourself, if you post something about me, i'll respond. period.

lastly, your standard play is to tell me to 'grow balls' or something like that, you always suggest that i take the 'high road'. how about taking your own advice.

now back to sweaterpuppies, smooches to your ass.
Lets put it this way shall we. Then day you back and stop making cheap shots I will back off as well. There is an old saying if you can take it don't dish it out.
billw1032's Avatar
Welcome back SP! But, you may want to stay away from public appearances at North Park!
Boltfan's Avatar
Fuck I backed off for years, didn't stop you then. Can't take your own advice cause nothing you say is genuine. If you were at least intellectually honest people would only give your wk brigade shit. Fuck, own your actions for once in your life. If I you really felt I was stalking you, would you follow me to a thread I started, especially after TELLING me to get of your welcome back vomit session. No chick in her right mind does the stupid shit you do.

Own your actions. Fuck I have given up trying to understand why you do what you do, I just laugh at the pussy whipped brigage following you around sniffing your farts thinking it is Chanel. No 5.
Boltfan's Avatar
Oh and SweaterPuppies you doll you, I only read eccie to enjoy your rants.
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Thanks for the love, makes my little troll heart smile.

Tara and Fletch, seriously, you guys just need to bang and get it over with already. Tired of seeing the same conversation between you two. Get out of here with that shit, this is the SP threAD.

I'm really curious why ManSlut got banned, though. I tried to talk some "private" information out of him a while back, but he wouldn't budge. That's when I realized we had trust issues and needed relationship counseling, but he refused. So now we are broken up, lonely, and slowly becoming strangers. I miss his whiney posts.
fletch's Avatar
Thanks for the love, makes my little troll heart smile.

Tara and Fletch, seriously, you guys just need to bang and get it over with already. Tired of seeing the same conversation between you two. Get out of here with that shit, this is the SP threAD.
Originally Posted by SweaterPuppies
to my sweet sweaterpuppies....i have said all along its all about you baby.
Fuck I backed off for years, didn't stop you then. Can't take your own advice cause nothing you say is genuine. If you were at least intellectually honest people would only give your wk brigade shit. Fuck, own your actions for once in your life. If I you really felt I was stalking you, would you follow me to a thread I started, especially after TELLING me to get of your welcome back vomit session. No chick in her right mind does the stupid shit you do.

Own your actions. Fuck I have given up trying to understand why you do what you do, I just laugh at the pussy whipped brigage following you around sniffing your farts thinking it is Chanel. No 5. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Boltfan you need to grow up and act your age already. Nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say and never have! You are really quite crazy like over me and have been for hum the 6 yrs ago. Im sorry you dont like me, I hate you. Feelings mutal. I will still be here when you are old and in a nursing home saying dam that tara and her wk knights. Im not gonna back off your crazy ass. So get.use to it, keep it my friend so will I. You didn't like it when I turned you down for a date and you haven't stopped with the crap since then. Face I wouldn't see you if you paid me a billion bucks. Now Bye Bye
Mojojo's Avatar
Ok so now that we've shared our feelings that have nothing to do with this thread lets get back on topic with this one.
Boltfan's Avatar
You are still going to be fucking dude on here when I am in a nursing home? Nice.

Reminds me of the line from Happy Gilmore.

Shooter McGavin -"I eat shit like you for breakfast!'"

Happy Gilmore - "You eat shit for breakfast?"

I guess that you didn't read Post # 14