Businesses Could Save $3K Hiring Illegals

  • EZ.
  • 11-27-2014, 09:45 AM
Under Obama's executive order giving amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens, businesses that face a $3000 fine (per employee) for not providing insurance under ObamaCare, can hire illegals instead of native born applicants and not face the fine. Provisions of the ObamaCare law, excludes illegals from participating making it more advantageous, for businesses, to hire them.
dallasfan's Avatar
Well you don't want the tax payer to pay for illegal alien's health care do you?

The hiring and employment of illegal aliens are already covered in other law.
  • EZ.
  • 11-27-2014, 03:51 PM
Well you don't want the tax payer to pay for illegal alien's health care do you?

The hiring and employment of illegal aliens are already covered in other law. Originally Posted by dallasfan
It's a $3000 per employee fine for not providing insurance but if you hire illegals, that can't be enrolled, there is no fine.

This will effect the working poor, making it more advantageous to hire illegals over citizens. Unemployment for young black (High School dropouts) is over 50% with High School graduates at 26%.

Illegals have been getting medical care at hospitals. The hospitals don't eat the bill, the taxpayers do.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Backdoored again... just another way in which the law was misrepresented. No wonder people are flocking to distance themselves from ever supporting it. The ones with half a brain anyway. Anyone still singing its praises are either ignorant to no end, or are getting something for nothing.
TexTushHog's Avatar
An excellent argument to bring undocumented workers under the ACA! Or to just go for real reform and have a single payer Medicare for all system.
  • EZ.
  • 11-27-2014, 10:19 PM
An excellent argument to bring undocumented workers under the ACA! Or to just go for real reform and have a single payer Medicare for all system. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
That would be awesome. We could have a system like the VA. I was in and out of one of those for months after returning from Vietnam. Just look at how well that single payer system has taken care of our veterans. They are literally dying to see a doctor. How many VA administrators have been indicted? Seen any arrests? You haven't and you won't.

My best friend, in life, died with cancer before he was 40. He tested positive for dioxin from exposure to agent orange. They don't know what vital organ failed first because his entire body was riddled with cancer. The VA took no responsibility for it and his family got nothing.

As far as the illegal aliens, make it a felony to hire one and enforce our laws.
RandB fan's Avatar
That would be awesome. We could have a system like the VA. I was in and out of one of those for months after returning from Vietnam. Just look at how well that single payer system has taken care of our veterans. They are literally dying to see a doctor. How many VA administrators have been indicted? Seen any arrests? You haven't and you won't.

My best friend, in life, died with cancer before he was 40. He tested positive for dioxin from exposure to agent orange. They don't know what vital organ failed first because his entire body was riddled with cancer. The VA took no responsibility for it and his family got nothing.

As far as the illegal aliens, make it a felony to hire one and enforce our laws. Originally Posted by OldLRRP

I am with you on that one, hire an illegal and forfeit all you assets to the government.
Trill Jackson's Avatar
How about fining or punishing businesses who hire illegals? That's the only the way to slow immigration, if there's incentives other than simply cheap labor then corporations will do it.

Of course no one wants to blame the rich and powerful people who create these situations , it's easier to pick on the poor and weak, or even the illegals who can't even vote.
  • EZ.
  • 11-28-2014, 08:52 AM
How about fining or punishing businesses who hire illegals? That's the only the way to slow immigration, if there's incentives other than simply cheap labor then corporations will do it.

Of course no one wants to blame the rich and powerful people who create these situations , it's easier to pick on the poor and weak, or even the illegals who can't even vote. Originally Posted by Trill Jackson
The Democrats see amnesty as a way to increase their voter base and Republicans see cheap labor... both equally responsible.

It cost 50% more to educate a non-English speaking student. Why is it against the law to ask for a birth certificate when registering for school?

Hospitals are being inundated with illegals with no insurance and no ability to pay. Taxpayers pick up the bill.

Find a brick mason, roofing crew, or road construction crew made up of citizens. These jobs used to pay middle class incomes.

We have more unemployment than any time in American history. Since 2000 more jobs went to immigrants (legal in illegal) than citizens.
Trill Jackson's Avatar
Why didn't you address the corporate responsibility of hiring these people in the first place?

Both parties see immigrants as cheap labor. The main reason republicans here in Texas (who control the entire state) haven't done anything is because of their ties to Big Business who makes billions of this cheap labor.

As far as amnesty goes, Reagan did the same thing. All of our politicians are corporate puppets, especially the republicans who love to embrace big business so openly.

The Democrats see amnesty as a way to increase their voter base and Republicans see cheap labor... both equally responsible.

It cost 50% more to educate a non-English speaking student. Why is it against the law to ask for a birth certificate when registering for school?

Hospitals are being inundated with illegals with no insurance and no ability to pay. Taxpayers pick up the bill.

Find a brick mason, roofing crew, or road construction crew made up of citizens. These jobs used to pay middle class incomes.

We have more unemployment than any time in American history. Since 2000 more jobs went to immigrants (legal in illegal) than citizens. Originally Posted by OldLRRP
  • EZ.
  • 11-28-2014, 01:18 PM
Reagan said it was the biggest mistake of his Presidency. He believed the Democrat would keep their word and secure the border.
Its funny how all the so called" Americans" who came from immigrant back rounds now condemn the new immigrants. Unless you are native american your family immigrated here. You blame the loss of jobs on the immigrants, but you don't mind driving on the roads they built or living in your homes that where built by immigrant hands. Show me a job that a white man or black man has lost to an immigrant. I never see any immigrants on the street begging for a dollar but I sure do see whites and blacks! On the unemployment line Whites and Blacks! I have my own business and see all these unemployed people come by and ask for a business card so they can prove they are looking for jobs, but ask me if they really want to work? Hell no! because they are content with their lives. Immigrants are not content on living off the government, so called Americans are! If you go to a car dealership and watch who a salesman will run to, its a hispanic immigrant before any other, why because they pay their debts. You want to blame someone blame yourselves and stop complaining about the middle class loosing jobs. Those jobs were the ones no one else wanted!
I look at it this way - if amnesty really affects 5 million people then 5 million new voters won't be getting paid under the table, paying taxes. As for the $3k break for hiring illegals - it's still illegal to hire illegals. Put your energy in enforcing that law instead of worrying about a bsck door way illegals can not receive health care and therefore be more attractive to hire. As for creating Democrats as a motivation - they're bodies, not Democrats. Besides, it's up to Republicans to sell their program if they're worried about immigrants being automatic democrats.

Other people have said but I will to - 2.7 million illegals in 1985. Thanks Mr Reagan. But perhaps instead of wasting all our foreign aid and defense money on the Mid East, maybe the U.S. government will try and clean up Mexico so they won't have to run away to America for an opportunity for a better life.
  • EZ.
  • 11-28-2014, 03:50 PM
Its funny how all the so called" Americans" who came from immigrant back rounds now condemn the new immigrants. Unless you are native american your family immigrated here. You blame the loss of jobs on the immigrants, but you don't mind driving on the roads they built or living in your homes that where built by immigrant hands. Show me a job that a white man or black man has lost to an immigrant. I never see any immigrants on the street begging for a dollar but I sure do see whites and blacks! On the unemployment line Whites and Blacks! I have my own business and see all these unemployed people come by and ask for a business card so they can prove they are looking for jobs, but ask me if they really want to work? Hell no! because they are content with their lives. Immigrants are not content on living off the government, so called Americans are! If you go to a car dealership and watch who a salesman will run to, its a hispanic immigrant before any other, why because they pay their debts. You want to blame someone blame yourselves and stop complaining about the middle class loosing jobs. Those jobs were the ones no one else wanted! Originally Posted by xavierz21
My family was exiled from Canada. We were put on slave ships and dropped off in the swamps of Louisiana. About a third of those French Canadians died during the voyage and many more didn't survive the swamp. That took place in 1755 before the Declaration of Independence was signed.

There is a difference between illegals and immigrants.
  • EZ.
  • 11-28-2014, 04:08 PM
I look at it this way - if amnesty really affects 5 million people then 5 million new voters won't be getting paid under the table, paying taxes. As for the $3k break for hiring illegals - it's still illegal to hire illegals. Put your energy in enforcing that law instead of worrying about a bsck door way illegals can not receive health care and therefore be more attractive to hire. As for creating Democrats as a motivation - they're bodies, not Democrats. Besides, it's up to Republicans to sell their program if they're worried about immigrants being automatic democrats.

Other people have said but I will to - 2.7 million illegals in 1985. Thanks Mr Reagan. But perhaps instead of wasting all our foreign aid and defense money on the Mid East, maybe the U.S. government will try and clean up Mexico so they won't have to run away to America for an opportunity for a better life. Originally Posted by Alastair
Those 5 million that are being given amnesty are also receiving work permits.

Secure the border, like the Democrats promised Reagan and leave Mexico to the Mexicans.