Who Needs ISIS When We Have Fire Hydrants?

Chung Tran's Avatar

damn... sorry for the morbid headline, what else can one say?
bored@home's Avatar
"feliz navidad bitches, I'm out"
Brownie points on the method though...
sparrow1122's Avatar
As a modern city, we should ban all hydrants.

Where were the firemen to prevent this?

It the police fault! The police did not arrest him for vandalism before he made the news.

Presby did not revive him so they should pay the family millions!!

Let's protest the van manufacture!!!
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Man that guy was a drama queen. Shotgun in mouth would be quicker.
Wow...more than one use for a fire hydrant I guess.
That's nuts. Wow!

How does one come up with an idea like that? Not to be insensitive but that is a pretty unique way to kill yourself.
RandB fan's Avatar
I was thinking I saw that done on some TV show. Just can't remember which one. So he was a copy cat.
RandB fan's Avatar
I was thinking I saw that done on some TV show. Just can't remember which one. So he was a copy cat.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Sad thing is.. he left behind a spouse and a disabled child.
sparrow1122's Avatar
Sad thing is.. he left behind a spouse and a disabled child. Originally Posted by GracePreston
They only think about themselves and not others. If they though about the impact it would have on others, they would not do it......or think twice.
Very true