What McConnell really said about Jan. 6 - while he was telling the RNC get its shit together.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
McConnell not only denounced the RNC's childish behavior, but flat out called the Trump insurrection exactly what it was, "a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next."

But what he REALLY was doing was warning his kool aid guzzling colleagues to step the hell away from Trump and Jan. 6 and for Trump to STFU if the GOP wants to retake the house.

People here live so deep in the Trump bubble, they think they're actually right about Jan. 6 and that it won't make a difference in November. As long as the Trump bullshit machine continues to grab headlines, the GOP is emperiled.

McConnell is a colossal piece of shit, but he knows politics. MGT and the rest of the Qberts don't.


McConnell Denounces R.N.C. Resolution Censuring Jan. 6 Panel Members

WASHINGTON — Senator Mitch McConnell, the minority leader, pushed back hard on Tuesday on the Republican Party’s censure of Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and its characterization of Jan. 6 as “legitimate political discourse,” saying the riot was a “violent insurrection.”

The remarks from Mr. McConnell, the normally taciturn Kentucky Republican, added to a small but forceful chorus of G.O.P. lawmakers who have decried the action that the Republican National Committee took on Friday, when it officially rebuked Ms. Cheney and Mr. Kinzinger for participating in the House investigation of the Jan. 6 attack, accusing them of “persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse.”

Mr. McConnell repudiated that description, saying, “We saw it happen. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next. That’s what it was.”

In the days since the Republican National Committee passed the resolution at its winter meeting in Salt Lake City, a handful of Republicans have criticized the move as everything from a political distraction to a shame on the party. Mr. McConnell was among the most blunt.

“Traditionally, the view of the national party committees is that we support all members of our party, regardless of their positions on some issues,” he told reporters in a choreographed statement after Senate Republicans’ closed-door weekly lunch. He added, “The issue is whether or not the R.N.C. should be sort of singling out members of our party who may have different views of the majority. That’s not the job of the R.N.C.”

The resolution, pushed by allies of former President Donald Trump, has disrupted efforts by congressional Republicans to focus on what they see as the failings of President Biden and the Democratic Party in an election year. At a news conference on Tuesday, House Republicans wanted to blame the president for a worsening crisis around fentanyl, but virtually every question was on the party’s resolution.

“Republicans have been very clear, we condemn the violence on Jan. 6. We also condemn the violence in 2020 as violent criminals attacked federal buildings including parts of Washington, D.C.,” said Representative Elise Stefanik of New York, the House Republican Conference chairwoman, equating racial justice protests with the deadly assault on the Capitol. She added that “we believe the Jan. 6 commission is political theater about punishing partisan opponents.”

Some Republicans feared that the party’s censure of the only two Republicans who serve on the House inquiry into Jan. 6 could resurrect efforts by the House’s far-right wing to try to expel Ms. Cheney and Mr. Kinzinger from the House Republican Conference. That had been the original intention of the party officials who drafted the censure resolution, David Bossie and Frank Eathorne, and it initially called for that action.

But House Republicans emerged from a closed-door meeting on Tuesday morning with a clear talking point: The party should focus on ensuring that Ms. Cheney, a Wyoming Republican, does not win re-election to the House after this November’s election. (Mr. Kinzinger, an Illinois Republican, has already announced his retirement.)

“People want them kicked out,” said Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican who led an effort last year to expel the two. But, she added, “it’d be really ridiculous to kick them out of the conference, but not work hard to make sure Liz Cheney is defeated.”

Some Republicans defended the resolution by noting that it encapsulated the party’s view of what had happened on Jan. 6.

“Whatever you think about the R.N.C. vote, it reflects the view of most Republican voters,” said Senator Josh Hawley, Republican of Missouri. “In my state, it’s not helpful to have a bunch of D.C. Republicans commenting on the R.N.C.”
winn dixie's Avatar
turtle head needs to go!
The Gop is so fucked × 2. They don't know who they are or who will be indicted next omg n lol n wtf is stupid?

Fun dumb shit to watch though
Precious_b's Avatar
They have a recorded history of eating their own.
And trumpy is still demanding that the dummies keep eating his banned everywhere fat gross ass. That's what is so disgusting about the stupid people.
McConnell not only denounced the RNC's childish behavior, but flat out called the Trump insurrection exactly what it was, "a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next."

But what he REALLY was doing was warning his kool aid guzzling colleagues to step the hell away from Trump and Jan. 6 and for Trump to STFU if the GOP wants to retake the house.

People here live so deep in the Trump bubble, they think they're actually right about Jan. 6 and that it won't make a difference in November. As long as the Trump bullshit machine continues to grab headlines, the GOP is emperiled.

McConnell is a colossal piece of shit, but he knows politics. MGT and the rest of the Qberts don't.


McConnell Denounces R.N.C. Resolution Censuring Jan. 6 Panel Members

WASHINGTON — Senator Mitch McConnell, the minority leader, pushed back hard on Tuesday on the Republican Party’s censure of Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and its characterization of Jan. 6 as “legitimate political discourse,” saying the riot was a “violent insurrection.”

The remarks from Mr. McConnell, the normally taciturn Kentucky Republican, added to a small but forceful chorus of G.O.P. lawmakers who have decried the action that the Republican National Committee took on Friday, when it officially rebuked Ms. Cheney and Mr. Kinzinger for participating in the House investigation of the Jan. 6 attack, accusing them of “persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse.”

Mr. McConnell repudiated that description, saying, “We saw it happen. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next. That’s what it was.”

In the days since the Republican National Committee passed the resolution at its winter meeting in Salt Lake City, a handful of Republicans have criticized the move as everything from a political distraction to a shame on the party. Mr. McConnell was among the most blunt.

“Traditionally, the view of the national party committees is that we support all members of our party, regardless of their positions on some issues,” he told reporters in a choreographed statement after Senate Republicans’ closed-door weekly lunch. He added, “The issue is whether or not the R.N.C. should be sort of singling out members of our party who may have different views of the majority. That’s not the job of the R.N.C.”

The resolution, pushed by allies of former President Donald Trump, has disrupted efforts by congressional Republicans to focus on what they see as the failings of President Biden and the Democratic Party in an election year. At a news conference on Tuesday, House Republicans wanted to blame the president for a worsening crisis around fentanyl, but virtually every question was on the party’s resolution.

“Republicans have been very clear, we condemn the violence on Jan. 6. We also condemn the violence in 2020 as violent criminals attacked federal buildings including parts of Washington, D.C.,” said Representative Elise Stefanik of New York, the House Republican Conference chairwoman, equating racial justice protests with the deadly assault on the Capitol. She added that “we believe the Jan. 6 commission is political theater about punishing partisan opponents.”

Some Republicans feared that the party’s censure of the only two Republicans who serve on the House inquiry into Jan. 6 could resurrect efforts by the House’s far-right wing to try to expel Ms. Cheney and Mr. Kinzinger from the House Republican Conference. That had been the original intention of the party officials who drafted the censure resolution, David Bossie and Frank Eathorne, and it initially called for that action.

But House Republicans emerged from a closed-door meeting on Tuesday morning with a clear talking point: The party should focus on ensuring that Ms. Cheney, a Wyoming Republican, does not win re-election to the House after this November’s election. (Mr. Kinzinger, an Illinois Republican, has already announced his retirement.)

“People want them kicked out,” said Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican who led an effort last year to expel the two. But, she added, “it’d be really ridiculous to kick them out of the conference, but not work hard to make sure Liz Cheney is defeated.”

Some Republicans defended the resolution by noting that it encapsulated the party’s view of what had happened on Jan. 6.

“Whatever you think about the R.N.C. vote, it reflects the view of most Republican voters,” said Senator Josh Hawley, Republican of Missouri. “In my state, it’s not helpful to have a bunch of D.C. Republicans commenting on the R.N.C.” Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What happened on January 6th has no bearing on the Midterms. What will make a difference in November is the blatant stupidity of the Biden Administration. This country deserves better than this liberal cluster fuck.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
McConnell is a colossal piece of shit, but he knows politics.

this just saved you about 100 quotes of yours calling mitch nasty names



Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Liz Cheney is the neocon dickhead her daddy dickhead dick always wanted to be

Kinzinger is a RINO talking head who is just poll pissing to get brownie points

remember dude .. nancy pants blocked jim jorden and other in-line by minority party rank .. to bring in two rino/neocons who hate Trump to be their rnc bitches.

so how's that spoil yer investigative milk? witch hunt??


turtle head needs to go! Originally Posted by winn dixie

mitch is no different than DEM counterparts his end is China money (can't really call him Moscow Mitch .. it's Mandarin Mitch. .. get it right mitch hating posters!!) and look at DEM recent trading activity and it shows all long term politicos are on the grift. from anyone who'll pay and that list is too long to even start.

every six years after mitch got in the Senate there would be the inevitable "DITCH MITCH!" signs and bumper stickers. every 6 years mitch got re-elected.

bumper stickers like this are as funny in the opposite way as these in Texas

  • Tiny
  • 02-08-2022, 08:15 PM
McConnell is a colossal piece of shit Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
turtle head needs to go! Originally Posted by winn dixie
mitch is no different than DEM counterparts his end is China money (can't really call him Moscow Mitch .. it's Mandarin Mitch. .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Addison Mitchell McConnell III is a great American. He kicks ass. Every night before I go to bed I get down on my knees and I pray for him. And I pray for Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema too, because Mitch told me to.

If Trump hadn't nuked the Republicans' chances in the Senate runoffs in Georgia, and if he hadn't run off Jeff Flake, I wouldn't have to pray for Krysten and Joe. And instead I could spend that time praying for people who really need it, like starving children in China. But that's the way it goes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Addison Mitchell McConnell III is a great American. He kicks ass. Every night before I go to bed I get down on my knees and I pray for him. And I pray for Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema too, because Mitch told me to.

If Trump hadn't nuked the Republicans' chances in the Senate runoffs in Georgia, and if he hadn't run off Jeff Flake, I wouldn't have to pray for Krysten and Joe. And instead I could spend that time praying for people who really need it, like starving children in China. But that's the way it goes. Originally Posted by Tiny

then become an atheist and sleep better at night. i do.

thank you valued poster
Addison Mitchell McConnell III is a great American. He kicks ass. Every night before I go to bed I get down on my knees and I pray for him. And I pray for Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema too, because Mitch told me to.

If Trump hadn't nuked the Republicans' chances in the Senate runoffs in Georgia, and if he hadn't run off Jeff Flake, I wouldn't have to pray for Krysten and Joe. And instead I could spend that time praying for people who really need it, like starving children in China. But that's the way it goes. Originally Posted by Tiny
What God do you pray too?
  • Tiny
  • 02-08-2022, 09:01 PM
Who do you pray too? Originally Posted by Levianon17
The Saints. Saint Friedrich Hayek, Saint Milton Friedman, Saint Ludwig Von Mises, and little Murray Rothbard.
The Saints. Saint Friedrich Hayek, Saint Milton Friedman, Saint Ludwig Von Mises, and little Murray Rothbard. Originally Posted by Tiny
Good luck in having your prayers answered.
TechPapi's Avatar
[QUOTE=Tiny;1062738282]Addison Mitchell McConnell III is a great American. He kicks ass. Every night before I go to bed I get down on my knees and I pray for him. And I pray for Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema too, because Mitch told me to./QUOTE]

Are you by chance catholick? Psst. News flash: That's not "praying" that they have you doing.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Addison Mitchell McConnell III is a great American. He kicks ass. Every night before I go to bed I get down on my knees and I pray for him. And I pray for Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema too, because Mitch told me to./QUOTE]

Are you by chance catholick? Psst. News flash: That's not "praying" that they have you doing. Originally Posted by Tiny

wtf does this post even mean? goonbabble nonsense.

  • Tiny
  • 02-08-2022, 09:11 PM

wtf does this post even mean? goonbabble nonsense.

bhahahahahaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'd say TechPapi is Eccieuser, come back to haunt us. He'd get a little crazy when he hit the bottle, especially on football night.

But Eccieuser would never attack me like TechPapi is. We treated each other with mutual respect. It was a professional courtesy thing between two Master Baiters.