"LE Alerts" about Verified Providers

rooster's Avatar
I have posted a "Sticky" in the "Alerts" section about recent posts made suggesting that some Verified Providers have potential LE problems.

The thread is here: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=472041

There have been enough of them recently that I feel it needs to be discussed. NONE of these reports have been found to be legitimate. And not all of them were actual "alerts." Often, comments are made in threads in other areas.

You cannot comment in the thread in the "Alerts" section, but I have opened one here to allow for debate, questions, and clarification.

Let us know your thoughts!
This sounds like a very good way to attack the problem.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmm wish ya did not think the need. I have more on my mind on this. But want to wait for others first.
jokacz's Avatar
If only there was such a thing as a "Verified Client" so we could be given the benefit of the doubt that providers receive. There have been plenty of BULLSHIT alerts posted in the PR and other alert sites by loose canons and paranoids.
rooster's Avatar
If only there was such a thing as a "Verified Client" so we could be given the benefit of the doubt that providers receive. There have been plenty of BULLSHIT alerts posted in the PR and other alert sites by loose canons and paranoids. Originally Posted by jokacz
Very true... and we can discuss that also.

But my main thing right now is dealing with charges of LE problems or involvement. Those are the most serious that can be made, and they should not be done casually. One was posted earlier today that was pure bullshit - there was history behind it and it was obvious that it was a direct attack. It has been moved, subject to a response by the OP. If warranted, it will be moved back. But like I said, there was history, and it was almost certainly harassment. It serves little to leave it in a public forum right now. Granted, the real truth of things would be exposed there. But in the meanwhile, someone who does not know the parties or history involved could make a rash decision or judgement, just "to be safe." Not fair to the person who was posted about.

Posting a negative review or warning about bad service, TCB skills,appearance, etc. are one thing. Accusing someone of having legal problems is about as serious as it can get, short of "outing."
  • Quail
  • 06-12-2012, 03:17 PM
Very true... and we can discuss that also.

But my main thing right now is dealing with charges of LE problems or involvement. Those are the most serious that can be made, and they should not be done casually. One was posted earlier today that was pure bullshit - there was history behind it and it was obvious that it was a direct attack. It has been moved, subject to a response by the OP. If warranted, it will be moved back. But like I said, there was history, and it was almost certainly harassment. It serves little to leave it in a public forum right now. Granted, the real truth of things would be exposed there. But in the meanwhile, someone who does not know the parties or history involved could make a rash decision or judgement, just "to be safe." Not fair to the person who was posted about.

Posting a negative review or warning about bad service, TCB skills,appearance, etc. are one thing. Accusing someone of having legal problems is about as serious as it can get, short of "outing." Originally Posted by rooster69

This idea is most assuredly worth trying. Posting rumors; hearsay; slander; lies;second and third hand information is just plain WRONG.
Posting a negative review or warning about bad service, TCB skills,appearance, etc. are one thing. Accusing someone of having legal problems is about as serious as it can get, short of "outing." Originally Posted by rooster69
Guys have been outed for those things. Real life information dumped in public places.

If a provider has a hobbyist real information, the dumbest thing he can do is to post a negative comment about the provider. Some bitches be crazy.
Guys have been outed for those things. Real life information dumped in public places.

If a provider has a hobbyist real information, the dumbest thing he can do is to post a negative comment about the provider. Some bitches be crazy. Originally Posted by OccasionalStray

'some' are crazy?
offshoredrilling's Avatar

This idea is most assuredly worth trying. Posting rumors; hearsay; slander; lies;second and third hand information is just plain WRONG. Originally Posted by quail
unless its to say something good about another member.

This idea of roosters is not a bad idea. But is sharp on both sides. maybe more than just two sides. would hate the board to become . To stop a few for doing things to just get back at others. is not always a bad thing. But some seem to carry to far. But do we want all to put on are rose colored glasses.
I would bet the majority loose more cash through just the way they conduct themselves over what any false alert could drive away.
theres always got to be someone to blame, better to blame the customers who actually bring the money....this is an alternate universe afterall.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
True JB. just joining this board is a tool with two edge's. and can help or hinder by the hand of others, or ya own hand. This can be for both selling time or buying it.

Now if someone feels they got the raw end of the stick. I don't mind hearing from both sides. Its the forever hearing about it. With one side or both drag it up again. Or make up new crap to add. But to make a move to stop it can also stop the exchange of information. But not stopping it can also stop the exchange. A rumor can be true or false or started to help or hinder. 2/many hand info is sometimes all there is.

lets say a thread looks to be a many sides battle. It gets locked to keep or start the peace. Some times good, other times is just makes matter worse. ban also can be good and bad. Every tool to the mods have can be over or under used. some favor to error over use. other error in under use. I prefer error in under.
  • Quail
  • 06-13-2012, 05:06 PM
unless its to say something good about another member.

This idea of roosters is not a bad idea. But is sharp on both sides. maybe more than just two sides. would hate the board to become . To stop a few for doing things to just get back at others. is not always a bad thing. But some seem to carry to far. But do we want all to put on are rose colored glasses. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Respectful" disagreements; point- counterpoint; posting relevant and truthful comments ; adding something useful to the thread, etc... IS GREAT. I encourage this.Let's all act like adults with some sort of civility.Good comments are always welcome, and you know that.

BUT to attack at every chance, to bash people,to " pile on " and kick someone when they are down, to circle like vultures waiting to swoop in for the kill, to continue with slander, lies, untruths, hearsay , is UNCALLED FOR .We all know, or should know, that there are two ( or more ) sides and perspectives to all issues. Each of us has to sift out the bullshit.

You all know that since I became a moderator, up until last week, I never closed a thread and never banned anyone.

Now I am really sick of that nasty behavior by some of the members and I will begin to take action sooner to stop it by enforcing the rules and regulations that are in place on eccie. All I am asking is for all of us to try " to play nice "

This is a board where men are here to find and enjoy women who choose to provide a wonderful service.

There are other boards and the spider hole where there are no rules and men and women can say whatever they want- true or untrue, hurtful or unfair. That is the place to say whatever is on your mind with no or very little restrictions.

Now let's all go out there and have fun !!
youngatheart's Avatar
How sad a few spiteful individuals are once again taking over the conversation on the board. What ever happened to "this is for fun and enjoyment"?
  • Quail
  • 06-13-2012, 06:21 PM
How sad a few spiteful individuals are once again taking over the conversation on the board. What ever happened to "this is for fun and enjoyment"? Originally Posted by youngatheart
I think your assessment here is dead on. I joined this board and others for fun and enjoyment, and I assume that MOST others did the same. There should be no need by the moderators and administrators to have to become " the behavior police "

I am by no means on some mission here, BUT I will do my best to try to bring some needed civility to Upstate NY and NOT let " a few spiteful individuals" to dominate this board.

Let's just treat other people with the same respect, courtesy, and dignity that we would want others to treat us.

Thanks in advance for all the co-operation that I just know all of our members will show.
Wakeup's Avatar
Heh heh heh