The BLack LAdy on OReilly Last Night.

Forgive me, I don't know here name, but she was there to talk about how a growing number of Blacks are coming out against The Immigration Plan, especially one that will give instant legal status to all illegals.

Her main objective was this will increase the unemployment rate in The Black Community to an even greater number. OREilly asked her why the PResident, who is so gung ho for this plan, is willing to sell the Black Community out.

She said it's because the Democrats know they can count on 90 percent of the Black Vote, so why worry about it. Who else are they going to vote for.

Even Chris Mathews thinks that all people coming here should have at least a pass port, and a work visa, since Americans are required to have that in any other Country.

Of course, another guest said this would be kin to profiling, and picking on the Mexicans, because many of these people don't even know what a pass port or work visa is.

This entire immigration thing is just plain silly. Unless we do something to secure our border, we will be going through the exact same thing again in about 10 years.

Mathews does back the plan that would call for extreme prosecution of American Companies who hire illegals. Good luck with that.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-12-2013, 01:16 PM
it boggles the mind to even consider new immigration legislation when we cant or wont enforce the laws on the books
Jackie states the solution and it is simple: prosecute the employers who hire the illegals. No jobs, no undocumented workers. Not going to happen.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-12-2013, 03:07 PM

so lets waste time and $$ passing legislation that wont happen either
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
it boggles the mind to even consider new immigration legislation when we cant or wont enforce the laws on the books Originally Posted by CJ7
Jesus! Did someone switch off the Obamatron? CBJ7 just made a cogent and accurate point.

Way to go, pal!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You noticed that too. It must a sign of the end times.