Why do escorts seem to think asking if people are law enforcement or affiliated affords them any legal protection? Who perpetuated this? It's 2022 and it seems like its the same as in the 90s and early 00's when people would ask if you're a police officer "because you have to tell them" Staff edit The Dr
Is this some kind of silly joke I'm just not in on? I've even tried explaining to a few different girls now that asking if I'm a cop means nothing, they'll blither on about some bullshit they read online or heard from a friend or they'll just get really upset.
One would think the first sign that I'm not remotely possibly a police officer is the fact that I know a bit of the law to begin with.
Who started this bullshit? Why does it persist in 2022? Why doesn't anybody know how to google laws or ask a lawyer friend a question? Why does telling escorts that they shouldn't rely on that as some sort of safety for their own legal well being seem to upset so many of them? I mean normally I just say "no" and move on, but sometimes I can't help but try and warn people.
They hate it even more if you respond with "Why, are you offering some kind of discount for police officers or military members?"