
loveboydodo's Avatar
What started first in human history? Dating or hobby?
SamHouston's Avatar
Neither, fucking started first
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-31-2016, 08:14 AM
There is no dating in most early human history. Fucking of will and rape were probably the most common sex practices around. However I know there was a study where they showed monkeys how to use money and get a treat. Once the monkeys learned how the money got them food the monkey with no money would trade sex for a token then buy food. I'm sure we did much the same probably just for food first then money.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Food, water, procreation, and safe shelter are our biological core compulsions. As far as anthropology goes, primitive females gravitated toward long-term bonding with the physically larger, stronger male side of the species for the sustained provision of such, so supplying Neanderthal nookie in exchange was natural. The successful caveman would go knock over a mastodon and plunk a chunk down in front of whatever hairy ho he deemed most desirable for breeding at the time, and whoever brought Wild & Woolly Wilma the least-spoiled and most mammoth steak got a rump roast roll. This would put both "dating" and the "hobby" in the running simultaneously, long before any formal concept of "marriage" and proprietary rights were introduced.

Ah, progress. Now, instead of the biggest guy, many ladies go for the biggest wallet to satisfy their needs, but men are still controlled by their winkies.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I don't know but I do know that all men are at the mercy of women. We are doomed when it comes to pussy and there's nothing we can do about it. Apparently even some angels can't resist human pussy and came down from heaven and started fucking bad bitches.

Genesis 6:1-4,

1 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.” 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
The curse of Lilith?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
The curse of Lilith? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P

For those not familiar, by some ancient stories Lilith was the very first liberated feminist, a beauty created WITH Adam as his equal. She wouldn't submit herself to his desires at the snap of his fingers, demanded to be in full control of her own destiny, so was labeled a "demon." She left Eden, God subsequently gave his lonely firstborn boy more subservient but manipulative Eve, who ended up screwing things up for ALL humankind after listening to the snake in the grass and whispering in Adam's ear about greener grass post-apple.
LilithMarie...it has a certain ring to it...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

For those not familiar, by some ancient stories Lilith was the very first liberated feminist, a beauty created WITH Adam as his equal. She wouldn't submit herself to his desires at the snap of his fingers, demanded to be in full control of her own destiny, so was labeled a "demon." She left Eden, God subsequently gave his lonely firstborn boy more subservient but manipulative Eve, who ended up screwing things up for ALL humankind after listening to the snake in the grass and whispering in Adam's ear about greener grass post-apple.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels

I do not believe God ever created or intended woman to be equal to man. I don't recall where but I'm sure the Bible says the man is in subjection to Angels as women are in subjection to the man. Some women who can't handle that reject marriage altogethe...but man was made in Gods image and a woman was created from Adams rib.....just stating Bible verses
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I do not believe God ever created or intended woman to be equal to man. I don't recall where but I'm sure the Bible says the man is in subjection to Angels as women are in subjection to the man. Some women who can't handle that reject marriage altogethe...but man was made in Gods image and a woman was created from Adams rib.....just stating Bible verses Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
A myriad of men tinkered with the "scriptures" over centuries of rewrites, translations, and societal changes. Like any novel, the plot can change as edits are made.

I buy the above about as much as the religious bigotry that claimed non-white races were "subservient" based on Bible passages, too, or per our terrorist enemies and their holy tome of choice, that we are all "infidels" deserving death and destruction for our disbelief in their deity.

Personally, I think humans were hatched in a tube by big-headed chihuahua alien overlord master scientists from Sirius who were marooned in a flying saucer crash eons ago. Their descendants still pad among us, and let egocentric peoplekind just THINK we are the superior species on the planet while we fetch them another treat, rub their bellies, and go off to work while they laze about on the couch every day contemplating their navel fleas and awaiting dinner. They laugh at our divisions; whether man or woman and despite religion or skin color, we are all the same to Dog-spelled-backwards, aka God.

Sounds as plausible as any other creationist theory, and about as provable. I have fur faith!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
A myriad of men tinkered with the "scriptures" over centuries of rewrites, translations, and societal changes. Like any novel, the plot can change as edits are made.

I buy the above about as much as the religious bigotry that claimed non-white races were "subservient" based on Bible passages, too, or per our terrorist enemies and their holy tome of choice, that we are all "infidels" [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkGreen]deserving death and destruction for our disbelief in their diety Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I can explain the Bible "seemingly" condoning slavery and I will later. Like with all things God "allows" a ton of crazy stuff to go on. Regarding women though Bill Burr has been fucking with my head

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Ha, that was amusing! Hmm... Perhaps it's a long-term and intricate stratagem guaranteed to make sure women outlive men and survive the various apocalypses?

Hmm, I'd better alert the Sisterhood that you and Burr might be on to something.
loveitdou's Avatar
Rerminda me of an old joke:

God saw that Adam was lonely so he went to him and said I can create you a women who is perfect in every way, loves only you, stays beautiful even though you will age, raises your children correctly and NEVER denies you sex. WOW said Adam bring her ON! Well God said one catch it'll cost you an arm and a leg-what? No way said Adam. So god created Eve and showed her to Adam who was very horny/impressed and said OK what will she cost me. O nothing said God but she will be a LITTLE TROUBLESOME!