Should Hilary go to Prison???

pussycat's Avatar
I was just a wee tiny Lad when our Vice President, Spiro T. Agnew, was prosecuted for crimes and pleaded "No Contest" and was convicted, although I think he was given probation or something.

Few people want to see Hilary serve time in prison, but a good stiff sentence of probation and community service is what she needs, and this is why.

Forget about the FBI's phony "investigation" of her. That was a sham. They were brought to heel by the Attorney General. If Trump's team decides to have a real investigation the evidence will cause her to seek a plea. And like Spiro T. Agnew she will probably plead "No Contest."

This is what she did:

When she became Secretary of State she was instructed as to the secure communications systems everyone uses. She was told that enormous effort goes into making it secure, and it's security is so important that it has been made a crime to conduct government business on anything else. She must use this. She must not use anything else. And there is another reason in addition to security. Other government officials NEED to be able to have access to her emails. That is also so important that it has been made a matter of criminal law. She must be supervised. She must NOT operate in secret. Other officials need to be able to watch what she is doing and what she says. That is absolute.

She listened to all these instructions and laws and then said, "Fuck You. I don't wanna. I'll do whatever the fuck I like. No one's gonna tell me what to do. I don't want anyone looking into what I am doing or saying to anyone."

So she hired someone to set up her own personal internet server and put it IN A CLOSET IN THE BATHROOM IN HER HOUSE.

Oh yeah that's really smart. Like most dishonest crooks Hilary was a stupid crook. She had no fucking idea what the internet was or how email works. All she knew is that she wanted to use it and she didn't want anyone looking at what she was doing.

What she didn't grasp was that her personal server had no security. None. Any hacker and every government who wanted to could just hack into her server and see everything. The NSA did just that. So did various foreign governments and individuals and we will never know because they leave few if any tracks behind.

So when years later she receives a demand from the Congress to turn over emails from her server she erases the emails. Then she lies about what they contained. She appears before Congress under oath and she lies and lies and lies. Then she's questioned by the FBI and she lies and lies and lies. She is caught. She is busted. And being that the President has to power to block any prosecution of her she feels safe she won't be held accountable. She is above the law.

She didn't have to lie. All she had to do was plead the 5th. She knew she might have violated laws, and was under no obligation to answer incriminating questions. When she appeared before Congress and testified about what was on the emails and how many devices she had and so forth all she had to do was plead the 5th and not answer. That would have been the normal thing to do. But it wouldn't have looked good. She was running for President. She didn't want to appear guilty by pleading the 5th over and over again.

So she lied. Just like her husband lied about Monica Lewinsky when he could have also pleaded the 5th. But he didn't want to do that. He wanted to lie.

That's why she must be prosecuted. It has to happen.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah say string'er up frum a tree inna courthouse square an' let ee-legal immy-grunt kids have at her bloat'd corpse like it wuz a piņata an' tha furst one thet gets it ta pop an' make it rain wif her tripas gits ta stay inna USA whilst tha rest o thar familia gets shippedt tha fukk outta h'yar inna cattle car!
No, I don't think she should go to prison -- I think Hillary and her rapist husband just need to go away-forever.

David you crack me up.

My concern is that President-elect Trump is going to soften a bit on his stance and not pursue her as he stated he would during his campaign.
A pardon leaves a cloud of suspicion and tacit admission of guilt.

Trump should not interfere with any ongoing investigation and let it take its course. There will be leaks and things will be made public that cannot be ignored.

If an indictment happens, let it run its course. If convicted, perhaps the Agnew solution might work but I'd also be OK w her in jail. Serve notice to both parties that such crimes are unacceptable. The effect will last decades.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 11-11-2016, 03:47 PM
A pardon leaves a cloud of suspicion and tacit admission of guilt.

Trump should not interfere with any ongoing investigation and let it take its course. There will be leaks and things will be made public that cannot be ignored.

If an indictment happens, let it run its course. If convicted, perhaps the Agnew solution might work but I'd also be OK w her in jail. Serve notice to both parties that such crimes are unacceptable. The effect will last decades. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
I'd agree. Any further action on Trump's part will only seem like a vendetta. Once her Obama shield is gone there will be plenty of others waiting to take a hit at her.
pussycat's Avatar
A pardon leaves a cloud of suspicion and tacit admission of guilt.

Trump should not interfere with any ongoing investigation and let it take its course. There will be leaks and things will be made public that cannot be ignored.

If an indictment happens, let it run its course. If convicted, perhaps the Agnew solution might work but I'd also be OK w her in jail. Serve notice to both parties that such crimes are unacceptable. The effect will last decades. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
She can't be pardoned until she is adjudicated. The FBI really didn't do an investigation. They just asked her some questions and gave immunity to a couple of people around her but never took anything to a Grand Jury despite clear violations.

If Rudy Giuliani becomes Attorney General I think he will do an investigation. And clearly Hilary lied both to the FBI and to Congress. They might let her skate on possessing the server. But I don't think they will let her skate on lying to Congress and the FBI. Martha Stewart went to jail for lying. If people think they can lie that's when the whole process is threatened. She will seek a plea deal and they will work it out.

She will not go to jail like Martha (who is also a friend of thug rappers from New York), but she will have to plead sort kind of guilty and be sentenced and that will be what's left of her "legacy."
pussycat's Avatar
Ah say string'er up frum a tree inna courthouse square an' let ee-legal immy-grunt kids have at her bloat'd corpse like it wuz a piņata an' tha furst one thet gets it ta pop an' make it rain wif her tripas gits ta stay inna USA whilst tha rest o thar familia gets shippedt tha fukk outta h'yar inna cattle car! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
"bloated corpse?"

gfejunkie's Avatar
I think President Trump should grant her a blanket pardon. Then give her an ambassadorship...

To Libya!
runtx3's Avatar
If you go after her for a private server then you have to go after Colin Powell, jeb bush, condelliza rice, and others who have the the same thing.

Trump and his company has been order in the past by the court to had over emails in fraud investigations and he destroyed those computers to basically hide evidence of wrong doing.

Hillary has been investigated by the Republicans in Congress for bengazi. the invetigation supposedly cost 8 million of our tax dollars. when your enemies investigate you and find nothing then I say your innocent. that was a waste our tax dollars
Skip_8's Avatar
Think about this: "If it was anyone else such as any random one of us, would we go to jail?"
hunglowandbig's Avatar
My 3cents !!! If no one in the BUSH administration went to jail for lying about weapons on mass then HILLIARY should not go to jail . Just saying!
Think about this: "If it was anyone else such as any random one of us, would we go to jail?" Originally Posted by Skip_8
Probably not. The difficulties if handling classified information in and cumbersome and unwieldy system make the chances of mishandling likely. Prosecutors know this and the large majority of cases go unpursued. The federal statue that covers these instances is fairly broad and prosecutors consider each situation and nduvidually. Intent, level of security risk among other things are assessed, making it hard to make those comparisons. Clintons case boils down to three emails which may or may not classified at the time of transmission., malintent here is a stretch, even for the most rabid trump supporter. People mistakenly see this as a black and white issue, when it's really not.
[QUOTE=pussycat;1058851170]I was just a wee tiny Lad when our Vice President, Spiro T. Agnew, was prosecuted for crimes and pleaded "No Contest" and was convicted, although I think he was given probation or something.

Are you really comparing bribery and tax evasion to a classified information case? That is ridiculous.

"Few people want to see Hilary serve time in prison, but a good stiff sentence of probation and community service is what she needs, and this is why."

Who the fuck are you to decide what she needs?

"Forget about the FBI's phony "investigation" of her. That was a sham. They were brought to heel by the Attorney General. If Trump's team decides to have a real investigation the evidence will cause her to seek a plea. And like Spiro T. Agnew she will probably plead "No Contest." "

These are huge assumptions. You didn't get the answer you wanted, so the investigation is "phony" But, trumps investigation would, be the only real thing, i.e. If it gives you the result you want? Kind of like how the system is rigged when you are losing and not as rigged as you thought when you are winning. That has all the logical nuance of a five year old.

The fbi did their own and nvestigstion. No more tax payer dollars need to be spent. You know, if you combined all the money republicans have spent on special prosecutors trying to nail something on the clintons, hell we could just set all the rust belt dumbasses who think trumps gonna bring back coal jobs up for life. They won't need a damn job.

After watching crowds of mostly white males yell "lock the bitch up" , call her a cunt among other just gross and disgusting things because they somehow felt entitled to what happens to this woman's body. I am done with making excuses for this nonsense. You don't get to follow her around with a torch. Neither does trump.

And for shits and giggles, if you are so worried about national security and are not just getting your ID hard by claiming agency over this woman's body in the guise of a concerned citizen, you might want to force your man trump to release all his financial considerations. You know, no American bank will give him money on account of he ain't no damn good at running things and tends to leave them with their asses hanging in the wind. Consequently, he has, as I understand it, quite a few foreign loans. russian banks are probably a good bet.,gosh, could that be a conflict of interest more worthy than an investigation of three emails and yours and others need to assert dominance by sewing the "a" on clintons chest? I think it might.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
She'll need to be charged with a crime. Then convicted. Then sentenced to jail time.

You are still living in a dream.

If anyone will go to jail, it'll be the backpedaling Drumpf.

Right now, he's feverishly walking back the major components of his campaign in order to build any kind of support among congressional Republicans.

In other words, he conned you.