Fort Worth Incall Locations

mckee4u's Avatar
My lease is coming up soon and I am looking to change locations.
And before doing so I would like to hear from some of you Fort Worth hobbiest.
Where do you think is the best part of town?
And do you prefer gated communities or non gated?
Are animals a problem for you or are you ok with them.
Do they make the place feel more homey?
And is homey what you look for or even like?
Any suggestions or comments you might have I would love to hear.
Well, I make it over to FW periodically so I hope it's okay for a Dallas guy to reply to your post.

I'll leave the location to the local experts but, personally, I don't like the near east side or south/east along the 287/35W corridors. West side or far south/west seem to be a little less on the "creepy" scale.

Gated vs. non-gated isn't a big issue from my perspective but I know some of the ladies feel a bit more secure having a little better traffic control and that one last checkpoint before giving someone the green light in.

I'm cool with animals as long as they are not racing all over the bed and the place doesn't reek of, well, certain animal odors.

And, while pets can make a place seem a bit homey, so do pleasant furnishings and a gentle touch.

I probably look more for comfy than homey. A place to shower, a clean towel, fresh linens, a place that isn't littered with junk or trash, attentive attitude. Those are some of the things that make for a pleasant experience, IMO.

I'd be glad to give you some more observations at any time. Maybe even in person at some point.

Good luck with your search for a new place to call home.
Cossetan, I live AND work in East FW near I-30 and Loop 820 and am in a WONDERFUL neighborhood! It is not "creepy" at all! Ask anyone who has been here.

Now I will agree with you in that getting on South of here in the 287 area isn't the prettiest but don't knock the whole East side. Most don't even know my little development exists as it is off the beaten path but they are usually surprised.
Mea cupla, vnurse.

There are, indeed, some decent areas on the east side. I was thinking more in terms of the closer-in stuff around the Riverside/Sylvania area (you'll note I mentioned "near" east side in the original post) and even a little farther out but, of course, that doesn't define the entire east side. I've been out in your direction and have certainly passed some very nice neighborhoods and businesses.

One of the additional benefits of that side of town is the proximity to the Mid Cities area and Dallas--something that may attract more connections.

Thanks for the gentle correction.
Oh no problem at all...I DID see the "near" East Side but I guess my feelings were on my shoulder...LOL!

I suppose Riverside/Sylvania WOULD be "near" for lack of a better name for it. I guess I always referred to that as Riverside! LOL!

I LOVE where I am BECAUSE it is so easy to get to just about everywhere! Maybe you'll find your way over sometime!
Hawkeye9's Avatar
I live in Downtown FT. Worth and any thing around the sementary exit is scary.
West seems best, except las vegas trail toward camp bowie.

I am always looking for playmates
Hawkeye9, you should work your way out I-30 just a little sometime...

FMH, thanks for the links! Very interesting and I am happy to say that MY place isn't on either one of them!
Hawkeye9's Avatar
does driving to north dallas count on a brutally hot summer day for a hot asian lady!!

I walk to wort, I hate driving
I don't like driving to Dallas for ANYTHING! LOL! I only go when I absolutely have to!

Yeah, I got ya beat...I LIVE where I work!
I don't like driving to Dallas for ANYTHING! LOL! I only go when I absolutely have to!

Yeah, I got ya beat...I LIVE where I work! Originally Posted by vnurse
VN, you sound a bit like Amon Carter who, as the story goes, would only go to Dallas if he, like you, absolutely had to and, then, would take his own lunch so as to not have to spend a dime there.,00.html

Bluesea's Avatar
I realize this is an older thread, but I wanted to give my 2 cents anyway. My suggestion would be to live in Burleson. There are only one or two providers in Waco, and no providers that I know of in Hillsboro. A dependable and quality provider based in Burleson would draw customers from Waco, Hillsboro, Whitney and Fort Worth. She would probably have to turn business away, because she would have the area all to herself.