
Recently there are lots of ads all over the internet with very pretty girls offering BBFS, anal, incall, outcall, car dates, etc. Anything you want. They have (816) and (913) area codes, and they are all tgtbt. They all use very much the same or very similar, enticing language, that seems may have been written, I don't know, like at a doughnut shop.
Boredinop's Avatar
I’m of the opinion gut instinct is usually best followed……
I’m of the opinion gut instinct is usually best followed…… Originally Posted by Boredinop
Absolutely. The risks FAR outweigh the potential benefits anyway...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Good catch, good post

I use these sites for research but always inquire/book through P411 where the risks are far less than direct contact. Even phone numbers could be invalid or taken over at the donut shop.
yourdesire's Avatar
So many useless people in the world who live life by scamming honest people. Stay on your toes folks unless if course teehee
dumars's Avatar
They’re fake!!

Also pay attention to run together words, phrases, sentences! Piss poor English. Read enough of them and you will pick up on phrases used over and over. You also might well notice some sound like a 12 year old learning dirty words the first time!

Ones you should pass on immediately are:

314 area code, always fake!

One’s showing marital status, “single”, “divorced”, “married”. “Mom”! Funniest is one about husband died!!

“Midget” ads! Always fake!

As the saying goes, the only dumb question is the one not asked!

Recently there are lots of ads all over the internet with very pretty girls offering BBFS, anal, incall, outcall, car dates, etc. Anything you want. They have (816) and (913) area codes, and they are all tgtbt. They all use very much the same or very similar, enticing language, that seems may have been written, I don't know, like at a doughnut shop. Originally Posted by golard
DallasRain's Avatar
So many useless people in the world who live life by scamming honest people. Stay on your toes folks unless if course teehee Originally Posted by yourdesire

wise advice from a sexy lady!!

Always research and research and research!!
yourdesire's Avatar
And research some more lol couldn't resist.
Some of those are providers down on their luck, some are scammers. I'd recommend you stay away from both. It will be better for your health and safety.