A school district is having to cut the hours of over 600 substitute teachers because they can’t afford to purchase health insurance for their substitute teaching workforce. The district says it’s not something they wanted to do, but they have to because of Obamacare. And of course the substitute teachers aren’t happy about it:

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wonder what those soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines are going to do for healthcare when they get discharged?
And WTF are they going to do for work ?

The Obama economy offers no employment hopes to many, if not most.
I wonder what those soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines are going to do for healthcare when they get discharged? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What did you do?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Substitute teachers are not union I'm guessing.
I wonder what those soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines are going to do for healthcare when they get discharged? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Same thing those programmers, file clercks, salesmen, and writers do.
South Carolina Congressman Joe was right... http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014...der-obamacare/
LexusLover's Avatar
Substitute teachers are not union I'm guessing. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Health insurance for "subs"?

That's part-time, contract work for a governmental agency.

Let me guess. It's in the "union contract"!

Let me guess. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Those who rely upon guesswork do so because the facts do not support them.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It shouldnt be a big deal to them. They now have choices they can make that they did not have before, like changing jobs or not working at all. The really good thing is that they will now qualify for a better subsidy or they can just pay the fine, uh I mean tax, and not have to deal with all that insurance bs. Then if they need healthcare they can just go to the ER where they cannot be denied care. Wait, uh wasn't that supposed to not happen under Obamacare; oh well, it really doesn't matter. One way or another they will get what is coming to them. My bet is they voted for the fraud in the first place......suckers.
And WTF are they going to do for work ?

The Obama economy offers no employment hopes to many, if not most. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
CNN last night said that cutting the military workforce had no affect on the unemployment rate as military personnel were not counted in the UE stats. Two sentences later the female reporter admitted that UE MAY, yes, MAY, be affected if those released from duty could not find jobs.

And CNN wonders why they are in last place.
here's the way I understand the part time employee issue to be handled when the employer mandate kicks in..although of course obama single-handedly changed the law on this until the elections are well over

you take all the hours worked by all the part time employees, whether over or under 30 hours per week

divide the total of those hours by 120

I think its 120 because 4 weeks times 30 hours is 120..the 30 is the magic number of hours in the law..although to actually reach 30 hours per week on average you need to average somewhere around 130 hours per month and not 120

after you add up all the part time workers hours and divide that by 120 you get an equivalent employee number for the part-timers

your employer mandate is then based on that number of equivalent employees and all your full timers
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Some will go back to school or attend for the first time unless those cuts include education cuts as well. Even going to school you have to support yourself. Military people will be prime job material. Sorry to all those people who didn't serve you're screwed. Then again, illegal aliens work cheaper so....sorry veterans, you're too damned greedy. There is always a place in the civilian contracting industry. Go back to Afghanistan, drive a truck, carry weapons, and get paid $100,000 a year.