STOP trying to take advantage of Guys that spend Money!

Whispers's Avatar
We want what we want when we want it! Why don't you understand that?

I don't know what is going on over the last year as rates have continued to climb but gals have been wasting the guys time left and right and charging more to do it!

Every day guys deal with ladies that do the following:

1. Posts ThreADs in CoEd in desperation trying to make ends meet!

2. Cancels last minute or worse. NCNS (Total Disrespect and a Waste of our time)

3. Tries to upcharge for services even though their hourly rates are rivaling or exceeding that of many of the guys here.

4. Asks for personal information as well as prepayment for rooms even when not confirmed.


It is very unprofessional of you to try take advantage of the men you depend on for income! They are doing what they can to help you make a living, not to mention following your rules crazy rules

They read ads for a reason. They expect what you advertise as well as what other men say in their reviews about you!

Long rant, but some guys are pretty fed up with the BS

How about it guys? Do you see this kind of unprofessional-ism from the ladies?

Truthfully Ladies.... When you crossed $240 an hour you began creating an atmosphere of resentment as well as started to erode any compasssion you may have been previously shown.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-22-2016, 09:27 PM
Hmmmm..... I am not really sure why you only see half the picture. The things you are riling against do happen, but I can honestly say most of them have been the very rare exception or have never happened. And every one of the sins a lady could commit has a corresponding male evil which you seem blind to. Why?

We want what we want when we want it! Why don't you understand that?
I would say they do, but most of them probably don't sit around just waiting for a call or e-mail. I suspect many actually have lives to live. Kind of like my boss wants my time at 3 AM on a Saturday--he will likely have to learn the value of patience.

I don't know what is going on over the last year as rates have continued to climb but gals have been wasting the guys time left and right and charging more to do it!

Every day guys deal with ladies that do the following:

1. Posts ThreADs in CoEd in desperation trying to make ends meet!You might want to get some psychological help with that one--you are seeing ads behind every bush and under every rock. Some people would label that as paranoia. Besides, even those posts that ARE ads, how does that waste your time? Most the ones you claim are ads are from ladies you have repeatedly said you have no interest in meeting anyway--ladies who you believe ONLY post "ThrADS", so just skip over their posts and they will waste none of your time. Personally I have never been put into a trance by a lady's post to the point it cost me hours of my life.

2. Cancels last minute or worse. NCNS (Total Disrespect and a Waste of our time)
These are not good things. And both genders are guilty. Additionally, you can throw in guys who make appointments--especially with visiting ladies--with no intention of ever keeping them. Last NC/NS I suffered with was years ago. But the last visitor to DC I saw was supposed to have four appointments in the two days she was there--and three cancelled the day she flew in. I admit it was a windfall for me, but turned her trip into a loss.

3. Tries to upcharge for services even though their hourly rates are rivaling or exceeding that of many of the guys here.
Upcharging is bad, just as shorting is. Personally I have never been up-charged in at least 10 years.

4. Asks for personal information as well as prepayment for rooms even when not confirmed.I have never been asked to prepay a room, and have been asked for personal info ONCE in about the last 6 years (and declined to give it).


It is very unprofessional of you to try take advantage of the men you depend on for income! They are doing what they can to help you make a living, not to mention following your rules crazy rules
Some try to circumvent them far more than follow them.

They read ads for a reason. They expect what you advertise as well as what other men say in their reviews about you!
So if a guy misstates something in a review is is her fault? If she does something extra for one guy she is then obliged to do the same for every other guy?

Long rant, but some guys are pretty fed up with the BS

How about it guys? Do you see this kind of unprofessional-ism from the ladies?

Truthfully Ladies.... When you crossed $240 an hour you began creating an atmosphere of resentment as well as started to erode any compasssion you may have been previously shown.
Total BS. Do you let your clients decide what you should charge? Should I start resenting the owners in Turnburry Towers because the condos start at $2.5M and I think that is too high? There are ladies who charge far more than I can afford (or chose to pay), but I do the grown-up thing and sigh, as I look at another lady's profile. I don't throw a temper tantrum and "lose compassion for them". Why is that a mature reaction to have?

By the way, does it bother you because you think guys inherently deserve higher hourly rates?
Originally Posted by Whispers
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Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-22-2016, 09:35 PM
I am a rather transparent poster. I suspect you are correct--most people can see what I did.
We want what we want when we want it! Why don't you understand that? Originally Posted by Whispers
It's sad but funny at the same time to see Whispers complain about pussy, or lack there of, when he is the reason most have left. Whispers, some of the girls actually do this on purpose giving you the run-around as a joke and as a payback for your "sweet" hospitality and are not looking to actually fuck you. Just want to rub it in your face lol Are you really this pathetic and oblivious to everything?
It's sad but funny at the same time to see Whispers complain about pussy, or lack there of, when he is the reason most have left. Whispers, some of the girls actually do this on purpose giving you the run-around as a joke and as a payback for your hospitality and are not looking to actually fuck you. Just want to rub it in your face lol Are you really this pathetic and oblivious to everything? Originally Posted by TW!GGY

Clueless as always. Obviously you didn't get the more than obvious fact that the OP is just spoofing another thread. You know the one that was posted RIGHT BEFORE this one? God help us. The zombie apocalypse has arrived.
Obviously you didn't get the more than obvious fact that the OP is just spoofing another thread. You know the one that was posted RIGHT BEFORE this one? Originally Posted by Lightesttouch
nope, i got it. But, thank you for your effort to educate me.
Whispers's Avatar
It's sad but funny at the same time to see Whispers complain about pussy, or lack there of, when he is the reason most have left. Whispers, some of the girls actually do this on purpose giving you the run-around as a joke and as a payback for your "sweet" hospitality and are not looking to actually fuck you. Just want to rub it in your face lol Are you really this pathetic and oblivious to everything? Originally Posted by TW!GGY


You Old-T took "pathetic" and owned it....
Whispers's Avatar
I am a rather transparent poster. I suspect you are correct--most people can see what I did. Originally Posted by Old-T
you belittle the working ladies that you believe are incapable of speaking for themselves.

Whispers, did Old-T's truths ruffle your feathers because down deep in side you know he is right?
Whispers's Avatar
Not at all.....
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-23-2016, 03:56 AM

You Old-T took "pathetic" and owned it.... Originally Posted by Whispers

Interesting--you quote someone else and say that shows that I am pathetic? That is an odd way of expressing yourself.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-23-2016, 04:00 AM
you belittle the working ladies that you believe are incapable of speaking for themselves. Originally Posted by Whispers
Not in the least. They can join in and agree with what I said or not. Just expressing my opinions. Isn't that what you do?

You seem quite willing to speak as if you have a fist full of proxies from "real men" everywhere--what is the difference? None.

Whispers, did Old-T's truths ruffle your feathers because down deep in side you know he is right? Originally Posted by TW!GGY
Not at all..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Whispers, you are correct, it doesn't ruffle my feathers at all. Unlike some on here I am at peace with myself, just watching the circus that so many others perform in.
I agree with you on this one Whispers. One thing that gets girls on my "Never See Again List" is the so called "YMMV" nonsense. If I pay $300 for a meal at a nice restaurant, I expect everything on the menu, every time I go. It' like seeing the waitress offer the dessert tray to one customer and then being told " I just don't feel like offering you dessert today" Fuck that shit.