Am I Walter MItty?

LearnedHand's Avatar
Am I?

The encounters I seek and obtain (some reported here, and others definitely not) are mild-mannered and quite tame. A couple FS deals, but not what i usually seek.

But the internet porn I watch betwixt visits....are becoming increasingsly bizarre, and twisted in ways I would never actuate in reality. For 30 yrs, a video of a well-delivered BJ was sufficient. Not any more. now must be rougher, kinkier, more fucked up.......

Oh No!! Have I entered classification of pervert???
Welcome to the dark side dear friend!
CSB used to make us was pretty rad
...we need another baker..I already called 'taster'
I miss CSB, & her cookies.... & her mouth
RICKDOG8's Avatar
I'm with ya DP. I like it pretty rough myself. I still haven't found that sexy attractive provider that allows that though.
CSB had down very good cookies.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Mo' laik Walter Titty!