Gotta Love Betty :)

Lexieinhouston's Avatar
This made me laugh, I thought I would share. I hope everyone's having a great weekend! :)

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Eccie Addict's Avatar
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Isn't that the truth ... lol!
Good one Lexie.

Hope you are having a good weekend as well.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol---I love her!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Her show on NBC is sooooo funny!
Dayna Love's Avatar
love it
DallasRain's Avatar
cumalot's Avatar
Women are smart and the older they get the smarter they get, along with brazen, and just downright mean to their counter part....Don't Fuck With
Betty rocks!!
pyramider's Avatar
But we would get in trouble if we told someone to grow a vagina/vajayjay/pussy/twat.
But we would get in trouble if we told someone to grow a vagina/vajayjay/pussy/twat. Originally Posted by pyramider
I don't think there's a law against telling your boys to grow one, lol

On another note, your signature line brought back a memory from a couple of lines in a movie. The sad part is, I don't remember the movie, but, I remember the lines.
"I'm a member of PETA, you know people for the ethical treatment of animals"
"I am too: people for the eating of tasty animals" I'll never forget those two lines, even if the movie is a figment of my imagination.
She is freakin funny. Love Betty White, and how true the statement!
Sarunga's Avatar