Just curious

I'm new to the hobby, and was just wondering what percentage of providers have pimps, and how many will admit it.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
POPCORN who has popcorn.
Lana Warren's Avatar
POPCORN who has popcorn. Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA
Kayla, you bring the popcorn, I'll bring the drinks! LOL!

I am 100% independent, but I do have to admit that I do have a pimp! Just happens to be my college kid.......All of my money goes to his school!
Don't know the answer to the first question, but pretty sure the answer to the second is close to zero.
Jasser's Avatar
I actually have two pimps that provide protection for me, as a hobbyist.

Reese Foster and Dopetastic Dannie Gates have done a great job with me with minimal pimp slaps. Reese is more of the slient ninja type, where she won't get upset right away, but when you fall asleep, she's known to unleash her wrath.

Dopetastic Dannie Gates, however, is different. She is super great, as Reese is, but when I come up short on her c notes, she has been known to keep her pimp hand strong.

I can't complain though, they are great with me and always take great care of me, but I need to be taught a lesson every now and then.

As Dopetastic Dannie Gates and Reese say "If you come up short on my cash, I'm tax'n that ass".
I'm definitely 100% independent, I'm a terrible employee.

I think the most accurate count is 0% have pimps and 0% will admit it. Unless someone is ratting someone else out i.e. "that crazy bee-otch has a pimp". The other is "I've been in this biz for 10 years and yeah, I had a pimp". Strangely, the percentage is always 0% for first person, present tense. Almost defies the laws of physics.
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 07-09-2010, 10:08 AM
LOL! I can't believe I missed that one.
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 07-09-2010, 12:04 PM
I KNOW Dharma!! lol I thought you beat me to it for a sec
From now on, that really should be my answer for everything. It is the only answer, after all.