Here is one for the scoffers of science.

bamscram's Avatar

Probably why most think we are headed in the wrong direction.
bambino's Avatar
Nice link.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
NG is a magazine that’s been in the tank for GW from the day Al Gore dreamed all this BS up. Only people dumb enough to believe it read NG
What is everybody worried 12yrs. THE WORLD ENDS!!
Ain't that right bamscram...
More pearls of wisdom for the darling on left left!!
I think Al Snore said something similar in 2000...we're living on borrowed time people!!
The science you're referring to bamscram is call "gunk science"...
I agree - real nice link there.
Well, at least we know what has happened to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

One of those wasp stung her in the head and made her into a retarded zombie.
Tipping point moved again. Energy price here in the US low. Air quality good throughout Texas.

Meanwhile, people who say Republicans are science deniers deny life starts at birth.
bamscram's Avatar
Thanks scoffers. Good little trumpkins all.
winn dixie's Avatar
NG has not been relevant since nudie magazines became prevalent.

Fake news.
bambino's Avatar
Thanks scoffers. Good little trumpkins all. Originally Posted by bamscram
And here’s one for the gullible, like yourself:

Probably why most think we are headed in the wrong direction. Originally Posted by bamscram
Who the fuck scoffs at science?

Shit pretending to be science, maybe, but not real science.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nice link. Originally Posted by bambino
was there a link? did i miss something?

all i got was a "fascinating" article on wasp eggs.

To fight foes, wasp eggs spew deadly fart gas

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Probably why most think we are headed in the wrong direction. Originally Posted by bamscram

the magnetic north has nothing to do with the weather. its just stuff taking place below our feet.

interesting part is that the magnetic south is moving slowly like molasses as opposed to the magnetic north which is moving fast.

looks like 2 separate molten lava processes going in both hemisphers.

looks like in a few years, the magnetic north maybe over Russia!
rexdutchman's Avatar
science. If it were true ,,,,,,,,,,,
bamscram's Avatar
It had nothing to do with the weather,dilbert. But I had a good laugh reading the trumpkins reply..