Ladies & Gents, Providers, Pimps and Clients,
Have you ever watched an anime and thinck, I would fuck that (in real life)?
Has a client/provider reminded you of a caricature and thinck to yourself, "that was Hot. So, that's what a real-life...would be like!!! I just FUCKED..."
My favorite was cowgirl 'Jessie' from Toy Story 2. Red head, gapped grin and fiesty. I imagined fucking and DATY doggy. Mmmmmmm!
I've met Raggedy Anne most recently and she fucked my mouth and dick HARD. I was enamored. WOW!
Have you fucked a RL caricature?
Mary Ann? (Gilligan's Isl)
Share your experiences!
(I will post pics soon, post yours)!