Romney VS Obama

boxcardummie's Avatar
I know it is bad to talk about politics but I can never resist. I was wondering what your opinions were for the 2012 election. Who do you think is going to win and who do you support? Romney or Obama? I'm not looking for a flame war, just friendly discussion.

Me personally? I have no clue who is going to win. I want to say Obama will but I can't be sure. Personally I support Romney for lack of a better choice.. not really a democrat or a socialist so yeah.

Rubchasertx's Avatar

Can't believe that I've had 2 uses for that link in the last 2 months!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-20-2012, 08:06 AM
The republicans haven't put up a real candidate since the first GB they would do better if they would drag Jeb to get in there, his name alone (last name) would have a better chance at a win.
So its either ritual suicide or slow death by cancer, eh? This shit's depressing. No wonder people wanna vote Obama -- he'll destroy the country quicker and just get it over with.
So its either ritual suicide or slow death by cancer, eh? This shit's depressing. No wonder people wanna vote Obama -- he'll destroy the country quicker and just get it over with. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
He's almost there now
TransAm's Avatar
Reasonable minds can differ here, but if you think Obama's destroying this country, I'm just curious: Given that he's had three years to do so, why are we all still here? And by "here", I'm including this board. If I catalog all the things that people on the right claim Obama was going to do...

I've still got my guns. So did the asshole that shot up the movie theater last night.
We don't seem to have moved too far down the road towards being a Muslim country.
We're not all being forced to drive hybrids.
We haven't aligned with Iran.

Oh, and since I got turned down for having the very serious pre-existing condition of having had migraines 8 years ago, I will have health care. Which he did say he was gonna do.

And there's just something odd about the Republicans nominating Romney if they're so incensed about health care.

But hey, vote your own self-interest.
Reasonable minds can differ here, but if you think Obama's destroying this country, I'm just curious: Given that he's had three years to do so, why are we all still here? And by "here", I'm including this board. If I catalog all the things that people on the right claim Obama was going to do...

I've still got my guns. So did the asshole that shot up the movie theater last night.
We don't seem to have moved too far down the road towards being a Muslim country.
We're not all being forced to drive hybrids.
We haven't aligned with Iran.

Oh, and since I got turned down for having the very serious pre-existing condition of having had migraines 8 years ago, I will have health care. Which he did say he was gonna do.

And there's just something odd about the Republicans nominating Romney if they're so incensed about health care.

But hey, vote your own self-interest. Originally Posted by TransAm
By all means, keep flapping your gums about all these meaningless distraction arguments. Battle lines are real easy to draw, ain't they? Keep buying into the Right vs. Left paradigm. You're fixing stuff, guy.

Double-digit inflation. Unemployment at 9% (with a real rate approaching 20%). A national debt so staggering and huge there is no rational way we will ever pay it back... But sure, he's doing a bang-up job.
Romney's chances are kinda worse off because of his religious views. People tend to shy away from those that they see as 'too religious'.
TransAm's Avatar
Ender, I rechecked my post, and I can't figure out where you're getting that I said he was doing a bang up job. I mentioned ONE policy, and only as an example of "credibility", not arguing in support or against.

As for right v. left, I'm just using the common terms. If you've got some others you're more comfortable with... apples v oranges maybe, or circles v squares, I'll be happy to use them.

As for the national debt, I'm staggered by the fact you think that sometime in the recent past, it WAS reasonable to think we might pay it back.

For the record, I don't identify with any party. I DO find R's a little more odd than D's, but only because of the people they keep choosing to nominate for high office.
I voted for mcain in the last election. I always liked mcain going back to the first time he ran against gwb. But since obama has been president I'm glad he's our president and I'm supporting him this time around, if for no other reason, the guy's got balls. He tells it like it is and he stands up for the little guys. He isn't afraid to take on the wealthy elite. He voted against the Iraq war when everyone else (for political reasons) was too chickenshit to vote against something they knew was wrong .

Obama's a fighter. Romney to me seems like a prettyboy puppet for the bankers and oil companies.

But....I'm hispanic and if romney chooses Marco Rubio as his running mate then I'm voting for romney.

Either way, I'm pretty sure obama will win. There's just something about the guy. He's a born leader.
Osama bin Laden was brought down under Obama's presidency. Funny he isn't using that card in campaigns.
Osama bin Laden was brought down under Obama's presidency. Funny he isn't using that card in campaigns. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
boxcardummie's Avatar
Obama's a fighter. Romney to me seems like a prettyboy puppet for the bankers and oil companies. Originally Posted by Sweet Discretion
Obama bailed out all of the big banks, sent money to green energy companies instead of oil companies, and now has forced everyone to buy insurance making insurance companies billions. Yeah hes a real fighter for the same old guard under the new ideological umbrella and the same old corruption.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's close right now, and if I were an incumbent I would not want "close" right now.

The best his number crunchers can do is a "tie" within the statistical significance-margin of error range.

Not good for the home team.
As for right v. left, I'm just using the common terms. If you've got some others you're more comfortable with... apples v oranges maybe, or circles v squares, I'll be happy to use them. Originally Posted by TransAm
My point is that getting bent out of shape about the Right v. Left, Conservative v. Progressive paradigm is what has this country so fucked in the first place. They're blinding us and distracting us by throwing out these easy to argue, battlelines-are-clear-as-day arguments. Gay Marriage. Public Health Care. Guantanamo. You're either with us or you're with them. They have us at each other's throats while they're picking our pockets.

The paradigm we need to be worried about and tackling is The People v. The State. We're so busy arguing the nuances, we're missing the implications. Gay Marriage for example. Whether you're for it or against it, you're missing the broader point -- we've granted the state the ability to sanction our marriages. Why? What for? What benefit is there? (Aside from a tax-break IF you file jointly, that is...) When did our relationships become a function of government?

Public Healthcare. Why? Are we sure we want to surrender the management of our healthcare to unskilled bureaucrats? Really? Government waste and incompetence are so widely recognized that they're taken for granted, but we're insisting that they take care of us as we get older? Does that bother you at all? The Republicans would have you believe that repealing Obamacare is the answer, reforming the current Medicare/Medicaid system is the way. Its more of the same. They have us arguing between suicide and death by cancer. Either way, they're killing us, but we get to be pissed off at each other while they do it? It's fucking stupid.

You can go down the line, but the story is the same. The Right and The Left have us so eager to fight each other that we're missing the fact that they're raping us.