Forbidden zone?

sue_nami's Avatar
Let's talk about male butt play. Do you like it? no one can see what you say, tell the truth fellas. Do you ever wanna play in your back door area ?
Self edit. Unnecessary rudeness.
sue_nami's Avatar
it's ok hun, we knew how you felt before u barfed. you're not too secretive about your preferences. thanks for playing
it's ok hun, we knew how you felt before u barfed. you're not too secretive about your preferences. thanks for playing Originally Posted by sue_nami
All in good fun. I like you sue. Just not my cup of tea.

sue_nami's Avatar
wow thanks for the edit, that is classy of you hun. seriously, thanks
sue_nami's Avatar
so far 10 guys do not like it at all and 27 have some degree of interest. that is very revealing that the majority of guys like it and want it. I suspected as much.
sue_nami's Avatar
do guys do you verbally express your interest in this to the woman or do you just hope she figures it out? is your wife/girl friend into playing with your ass? do you feel more comfy with a provider doing this or a loved one?
Whispers's Avatar
so far 10 guys do not like it at all and 27 have some degree of interest. that is very revealing that the majority of guys like it and want it. I suspected as much. Originally Posted by sue_nami

Considering this is a topic you have started over and over as a way of self promoting yourself Sue you certainly realize that most of the votes on the thread are from other whores and mandles.... Only the gay guys and tranny fuckers are into getting their asses reamed.
Thou protest too much, Whispers.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
If'n a feller hadda colostomy, wuld tha Forbidd'n Zone still be his butthole 'r tha new poophole cummin' outta his side? Axskin' fer a friendt. Thanx!
winn dixie's Avatar
If'n a feller hadda colostomy, wuld tha Forbidd'n Zone still be his butthole 'r tha new poophole cummin' outta his side? Axskin' fer a friendt. Thanx! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
had to "like" this here, funny stuff
sue_nami's Avatar
76 votes and 18 are not into it, about 20%, just about what i expected. It seems most of you guys like this and are ashamed or embarrassed to say so or ask for it. it is NORMAL, UBIQUITOUS and FUN. do not be afraid to explore or enjoy. pay no attention to the homophobes showing their fear, it is something most guys like. If you haven't tried it yet.... might be time to explore. As science has recently proven and as we all know, those most vociferously objecting are the closet cases.
Treetop78759's Avatar
it is NORMAL, UBIQUITOUS and FUN. [/URL] Originally Posted by sue_nami
There is absolutely nothing normal about a dude wanting things shoved up his ass. Deviant behavior might be fun but it's not normal.
Whispers's Avatar
76 votes and 18 are not into it, about 20%, just about what i expected. It seems most of you guys like this and are ashamed or embarrassed to say so.......... Originally Posted by sue_nami
15.38% of the "responders" are Hell No
21.79% are OK with a whore licking the shit of their ass.
5.13% call it like it is...

That 42% of those that responded represents probably 90% of the MEN that responded to your ad....

It's unfortunate but know for a long time that we have a few tranny and tranny lovers in the mix and with those guys, a couple of the gays and the whores you have the make-up of rest of your voters....
scsholar's Avatar
I'll answer this.

I like have TUMA on me occasionally and I've had one girl while giving me bbbj and bls slip a finger in me and made me shoot to the ceiling.

I like women so that ain't changing but yes, it does feel good.