Calling all night owls and early birds!!

Hi ladies and gents! Thought I'd open up a fun discussion about the best times for sex

I tend to stay up very late and end up having fun night sex (usually with drinking) but I've noticed lately that morning sex has its perks too. Especially when it's really early- my skin is a lot more sensitive.

I know that guys have morning wood, so I've always assumed y'all like it better in the morning

Which time of day do you enjoy sex more? Would love to hear from both genders xoxo
Morning time....i love chopping that morning wood down
Morning time for me. I'm always horny, but usually seem hornier in the mornings. I like afternoons as well. I'm not much of a night owl anyway.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I like early mornings if I know in advance. There is one guy that I will even leave a key outside for so he can come in and wake me up. But he's someone that I've been seeing for quite a while so I trust him
Britttany_love's Avatar
I'm an late afternoon and late night girl! It is when I'm at my peak and the horniest!!!
AtxAngela's Avatar
Smpslt7's Avatar
I love sex any time of day. But as a practical matter, I have to limit myself to lunchtime rendezvous during the work week. My office closes at 3:00 on fridays so that time works well too. Evenings and Weekends are saved for my wife.
Thank you for asking.
  • sydmo
  • 06-17-2017, 09:50 AM
mornings, earlier the better.
I love morning sex, about 9-11am I am most energetic. Lunch time is a blast as well, I have come to really enjoy 30 min appts, as I have chronic pain in my neck that makes it harder to do hour appts now. I am rarely a night owl, I am usually a grandma in bed at 10-1030
Treetop78759's Avatar
Evenings and Weekends are saved for my wife.
Thank you for asking. Originally Posted by Smpslt7
That's sweet of you.