Kinky dream

I had a dream where I am forced into submission. By my hot boss. It starts off at Starbucks where we are meeting to discuss my employment. What I don't know is that she is pissed about my recent flirting with a client. She has had the hots for me and wants to make me her fuck toy. Threatens my job and I agree to so whatever.

Then off to shop for what I think are her clothes, but she secretly is buying them formme. She makes me change into women's underwear In the car before taking me back to her place to make
Me submit.

The whole time I resist a little and she reminds me who is boss when we are alone in the room.
sue_nami's Avatar
wow!! I like it, that sounds sexy and fun. you should consider role playing it with me and see how it feels while awake.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Still Looking's Avatar
wow!! I like it, that sounds sexy and fun. you should consider role playing it with me and see how it feels while awake. Originally Posted by sue_nami
You couldn't play the hot boss role if you lite your britches on fire! Lets keep it real here!