
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
OK gents:

Several of you asked about the redhead prior to this site going off line. I screwed up and deleted most of the requests, so please send them again. I'd reply in the super private Men's Lounge, but it ain't up yet.

MajicPlayground's Avatar
I can also help on this one as I have her #, pictures, AND the info that shows what she was part of. I saw she was posting on the new trash site. Also prior to the site being down, I communicated with G from another site and she agreed with the proof.

On this, HID and I are def on the same side....everyone's safety!

Y'all please, I know it's great to be back, but please don't let your guard down....there are even more land mines these days it seems.

Play safe and have fun

AchillestheTrojan's Avatar
Was this the spinner gal posting on BP before it went down?
Cassmann's Avatar
Good to know as she's was a cutie, and gotta love a redhead
Is this her?
Saff edit: Link to unauthorized site removed.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
I think so head keeper, she was on a different site. I contacted her a couple times. Then she went MIA. As to why and what happened. Im in the dark. If someone could filll in the blanks.. We would appreciate it..because I was close to pulling the trigger when the lights went out.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Can't post any details here, email me or HID said you can send him a note as well.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
And may wanna remove that site reference from your signature. I missed it and now have to wait to regain that privelege.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
She's good people!

HID approved.

MajicPlayground's Avatar
Guess I was mistaken in that we were on the same side. I have the proof that she isn't good at all.