Laredo Social?

Would anyone be interested in having a social gathering in Laredo?

This is merely an exploratory post to gauge the reaction to and probability of one occurring.

From what I have read and heard through the grapevine about the ones in CC and RGV, they were always well received. And with Laredo now getting a bit more active, it just seems like a good idea at this time.

Post your thoughts on it here and we will see where it goes.

The Colonel
Elgato69's Avatar
I can be of assistance if you like.
All help will be appreciated.

Ok there's one, anyone else?
Can get a meeting room for 100 people with a buffet, will know pricing a bit later.

BYOB is recommended.

Can also get a block of rooms at a 3 star hotel reserved, smoking and non-smoking rooms, for the out of town visitors.

So who else is going to chime in?

Damn, just noticed this is my 100th post. Good reason for it though, I think!
I would love to attend the social in Laredo. Let me know what the date is and i'll see if I can make it happen.
I would love to attend the social in Laredo. Let me know what the date is and i'll see if I can make it happen. Originally Posted by HAZEL956
Hazel, would love to see you come to Laredo. Right now everything is in the exploratory stages with no date set.

Best guess at this time, it would be on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday night and at least 2 months from now, at the earliest.

Updates will be posted here as they become available, so keep checking in.

The Colonel

PS, Sorry I missed your trip here a couple of months ago.
With enough notice...a friend and I would like to attend.

Hi nice to finally get to meet you!
johndoe69's Avatar
u have my attention col.!
rgvpapi's Avatar
as per our conversation, I am more then willing...
Looks like we have a good start here.
johndoe69's Avatar
indeed.. let me know when u got a solid foundation going so we can build up from there
I'm not sure I like the idea of traveling to Laredo by myself. Maybe a handsome cat from Corpus will let me follow him down.
I'm not sure I like the idea of traveling to Laredo by myself. Maybe a handsome cat from Corpus will let me follow him down. Originally Posted by AidanMacKenna
Or maybe some of you lovely ladies can carpool it our way. I know some of the guys here would be more than appreciative of the effort.
Had wanted to post this this morning, but had to accept an earlier launch time in order to make my commitments on the kivas and trilium trade route.

Elgato69 has offered his help to us and will take care of the screening arrangements. Of that we are deeply appreciative. He has also expressed an interest in attending.

Rgvpapi has also offered to assist in whatever way he can. Again, mucho gracias, mi amigo.

Have a menu prepared from the food service manager at the facility and have somehow mislaid it the present time, but does include; fajitas, beef and chicken, cheese enchiladas, guacamole, tea, etc. Pretty much a standard Mexican style buffet. I will need about 3 days advance notice to him in order to give the necessary time for all the preparations. As of now, food for 50 people will run 10 per person. If I remember correctly, at other socials, the gentlemen took care of the costs involved. If I am wrong, please correct me on this. I would also like to see the gentlemen help with a proper gratuity to the food service people. Over the years I have dealt with them, they have come to know that I expect good service and show a generous appreciation to same.

I was to meet with the hotel manager about rooms last night, but he had an emergency come up. I will still need to check on that. I will also be inquiring about shuttle service for those out of town guests that desire to make their own overnight arrangements and do not wish to drive in a strange city.

Being that I do not live in Laredo, and will not be back for 2-3 weeks, it will be that long before I can answer any inquiries on that subject. I could possibly take care of all this on the phone, but much prefer to do so on a one on one basis and a handshake. Again, I have dealt with this facility a number of years. I have run into some problems over the years, but they have always went the extra mile to see these problems corrected.

I know there are a thousand other details yet to be worked out. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to post them up here.

Nearly forgot, since the RGV and CC socials are taking place this month, and my schedule will not allow me to get everything arranged for this month, June is looking like the earliest we could do this. First thing, I guess, would be to choose a day of the day of the week. Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday is looking the best for me. And probably around the middle of the month.
johndoe69's Avatar
i thank you for the effort you are putting into this col. i am from the laredo area and if u need anything in setting this up i will do so to the best of my ability