With our ever growing ageing population, coupled with the miracle of modern medicine, a little drug injection through the penis, an 80 year old man can run head to head with a man half his age.
Unfortunate with the car keys taken away, high blood pressure problems, not being able to eat a nice corned beef sandwich, it being of high cholesterol and salt content, no sweets due to Diabetes. Alcohol consumption a no no, since it interferes with the effectiveness of his heart medication, what else is there in life other than a good roll in the hay worth living, I ask.
I’ve taken it upon myself to negotiate a room at J.N. Village for incall. I had to settle for $150.00/day in the assisted living wing, since they were going to up-charge for the full service floors. Knowing that social security and pensions aren’t as good as they once were, I opted for the cheaper.
Hoping that Brookie @ E.F. would take the bull by the horns, think outside the box and cum to the rescue of the elderly, perhaps she would send some of her girls to answer the call of us old retired hobbiests but still active.