The Commies at Twitter are at it again

berryberry's Avatar
Just days after Twitter banned Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology and a strident skeptic of the vaccines produced using his the mRNA framework, for allegedly spread COVID "misinformation" (their words, not ours), the commies at Twitter and its new leadership have struck again. This time, they're "permanently" banning Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene's personal account for allegedly spreading misinformation as well.

Remember - The good guys are never the ones silencing the truth.

And for those libtards who will say MTG is crazy or other BS like this, I ask you then what exactly are you afraid of? If you truly think someone is crazy and says foolish things, then why wouldn't you want people hearing that to come to the same conclusion you reached? Unless of course you know they tell it like it is. Plus this is not about the person - it would be just as bad if the commies at Twitter banned Crazy Bernie or batshit crazy Maxine Waters and Ilhan Omar
berryberry's Avatar
Glenn Greenwald:

Having unelected tech oligarchs ban duly elected members of Congress - or even the sitting President - from using their massive platforms is dystopian. Remember how many world leaders warned that FB & Twitter's banning of Trump was a threat to democracy.

As American liberals (including their journalists) yet again celebrate and express gratitude to tech giants for silencing their political enemies -- even elected officials -- compare their mindset to how the rest of the democratic world thinks to see how authoritarian they are.

US liberals don't realize what a rogue and authoritarian faction they are because their media outlets keep all dissent from them. When Big Tech banned Trump, it was denounced as dangerous by Merkel, Macron, UN & EU officials.

Even as their Party and leaders are overwhelmingly funded by large corporations, Wall Street and Silicon Valley, Democrats and liberals still like to posture as opponents of corporate power, yet they crave having unelected tech executives control and police political discourse.

The funniest part is how liberals invoke classic libertarian economics to justify this: "Corporations have the right to do what they want. If you don't like it, start your own platform!" Meanwhile, Dems say these platforms are classic illegal monopolies

But the more important point is this: Parler took up this challenge from liberals. They started their own platform to offer greater free speech.

Soon as they became the nation's most-downloaded app, Dems demanded its destruction & tech monopolies obeyed:

One last point: this censorship is not the sole decision of tech companies. Dems are using their majoritarian in DC power to threaten that they will pay unless they censor more. That's a union of state and corporate power and implicates the 1st Amendment:

For the liberals who pop up on days like this with the libertarian cry: "if you don't like this censorship, go start your own social media company."

Here's a reminder of what happened when Parler did that and Dems & tech monopolies united to destroy it:
bambino's Avatar
She still has her Congressional account. But it doesn’t matter. Truth Social will be up and running in about a month. Millions will say goodbye to Twitter.
berryberry's Avatar
She still has her Congressional account. But it doesn’t matter. Truth Social will be up and running in about a month. Millions will say goodbye to Twitter. Originally Posted by bambino
For now. But she mainly used her personal account - which had far more followers

From Russiagate to COVID to Kyle Rittenhouse, disinformation is not just allowed but promoted on the tech platforms. Only when something threatens the regime does it get censored.
berryberry's Avatar
Media company Grabien suspended on Twitter for quoting congressman

Social media company Grabien was banned from Twitter on Friday after posting a quote from a US representative Andy Biggs

Grabien founder calls suspension 'next-level Twitter absurdity'
eyecu2's Avatar
So if a Twitter poster tweets something that is factually wrong and is an attempt to influence policy or outcomes that can affect the general population, that should be permitted in the name of freedom of speech? I'd say if it was a singular moment then sure, but the mantra of falsities from these people like MTG, Biggs or Gaetz etal, who have been documented promoting falsities, should no longer be given a platform for spouting rhetoric. Much of which are racist or xenophobic things like Jewish space lasers, or demonizing ppl like Soros because it simply fits their narrative. To that, either proponents who post false info, (especially after being proven false) need a timeout. I'm all for that, just like being point banned here for not following rules. It would allow these forums like Twitter or others to have more trust, but as is the case currently, most things can be smugly ignored as propaganda.
berryberry's Avatar
So if a Twitter poster tweets something that is factually wrong and is an attempt to influence policy or outcomes that can affect the general population, that should be permitted in the name of freedom of speech? Originally Posted by eyecu2
What exactly did she post that was factually wrong? The post that got her removed was of her posting an actual CDC chart with VAERS stats. So are you saying actual CDC stats are factually wrong?

And if you are using "posting something factually wrong" as your standard, then why were none of the people who posted for years about the Russian Hoax never suspended? Or the people, including Senile Biden, falsely claiming Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist never suspended / banned? Discredited Adam Schiff has been exposed numerous times for posting completely false statements (hell he made up quotes attributing them to someone else) on Twitter and he was never suspended or banned. So save your BS argument.
eyecu2's Avatar
What exactly did she post that was factually wrong? The post that got her removed was of her posting an actual CDC chart with VAERS stats. So are you saying actual CDC stats are factually wrong?

And if you are using "posting something factually wrong" as your standard, then why were none of the people who posted for years about the Russian Hoax never suspended? Or the people, including Senile Biden, falsely claiming Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist never suspended / banned? Discredited Adam Schiff has been exposed numerous times for posting completely false statements (hell he made up quotes attributing them to someone else) on Twitter and he was never suspended or banned. So save your BS argument. Originally Posted by berryberry
Berry, go get your reading glasses, cuz I clearly stated that
either proponents
who stayed false narratives should be given a timeout. I'm not stating there are not people on the Democrat side pushing a narrative. I just want falsities limited, and if you know your spouting false information, you should be forced off a platform for a period of time.
berryberry's Avatar
Berry, go get your reading glasses, cuz I clearly stated that
either proponents
who stayed false narratives should be given a timeout. I'm not stating there are not people on the Democrat side pushing a narrative. I just want falsities limited, and if you know your spouting false information, you should be forced off a platform for a period of time. Originally Posted by eyecu2
That sounds nice in concept. Alas we know that is not how the commies running Twitter work

Again - The post that got her removed was of her posting an actual CDC chart with VAERS stats.

And we know no libtard politician has been banned from Twitter even though many have posted false information

Shoot - Twitter allows the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party to operate numerous massive accounts and spread disinformation — including about COVID-19 — on its platform. Yet Twitter bans GOP politicians.

These are just facts.
lustylad's Avatar
Berry, go get your reading glasses, cuz I clearly stated that
either proponents
Originally Posted by eyecu2
Yes, but you only mentioned one side specifically by name...

"people like MTG, Biggs or Gaetz... or demonizing ppl like Soros..."

Nice try, though.
berryberry's Avatar
Meanwhile, not to be outdone - the commies at Google / Youtube are following the regimes marching orders as well.

YouTube has now removed the Joe Rogan interviews of both Dr Robert Malone as well as Dr Peter McCullough. Two of the most notable and accomplished experts in the world.

Think about that - YouTube is suppressing the speech of actual licensed doctors
lustylad's Avatar
Think about that - YouTube is suppressing the speech of actual licensed doctors Originally Posted by berryberry
I find this censorship trend to be utterly jaw-dropping.

The way science advances is for medical doctors and scientists to have free & open discussions subjecting all propositions, studies and patient feedback to exhaustive "peer review". It is beyond disturbing to see non-doctors and non-scientists at places like Google/Youtube censoring such dialogue. The so-called "progressives" at Big Tech are actively suppressing the open discussion and peer review process that has yielded literally thousands of medical treatments and cures over the years for scores of diseases and ailments.

How the fuck can anyone call him/herself a "progressive" when they actively impede the engine of progress in this way?
eyecu2's Avatar
Meanwhile, not to be outdone - the commies at Google / Youtube are following the regimes marching orders as well.

YouTube has now removed the Joe Rogan interviews of both Dr Robert Malone as well as Dr Peter McCullough. Two of the most notable and accomplished experts in the world.

Think about that - YouTube is suppressing the speech of actual licensed doctors Originally Posted by berryberry
I thought this was a post about commies @ Twitter?

Seems you reptards get upset about others changing the thread but feel totally comfortable in doing it when it suits you. Hypocrites who change the topic from Twitter shouldn't be trusted.- or are we able to bring up any commies from anywhere??
Hey now, we can't have people running around not full of fear & anxiety. It just doesn't help the plan.
lustylad's Avatar
Maybe it's time to turn to the Babylon Bee for guidance lol:

(Psst Dogface... before you get all a-twitter (bad pun) over this post, please remember the BB is SATIRE!)