Beyond disrespected

Hey guys! Not sure if this is the proper location for this...but I have had my "hobby" phone off for the majority of the holiday season. When I turned it on, it sent out messages that were in my outbox. Ok, here's the deal:

I had a text from a gentleman that texted me from his OLD number and new number on the sameday. (both numbers are still saved). When I turned my phone back on, the outbox message sent simply asked, if he was texting me from two phones.

His response?(exactly as received) "Are you whoring that much these days? I only got 1 number. Please have some respect and stop texting mr this late."

Wow! This is completely unacceptable and disrespectful. I love his hobby, yes....this is my hobby as well, but this utter lack of decency has me borderline irate and extremely disappointed.

I hope this is an isolated incident (his second tantrum w/me) and he won't verbally attack or disrespect any of the other beautiful ladies on this site.
Mojojo's Avatar
Blah fuck're hot and can text me anytime.
Stop seeing him.
And move on!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I still wanna see ya, unfortunately you had things come up at the times

One day.....

Don't pay any attention to that guy girl.
Just as here on Eccie there are disrespectful idiots on any hooker site. Sometimes I turn my phone on and have ugly messages, I don't pay attn. I delete and go on with my day. Who gives a fuck what that ignorant trick thinks about you, in the end you are doing what you love, what you want and are beautiful. Trust me, it happens often, I have gotten into it a few time haha, but on text there are no rules, so I put them in their place quick! But the best really is to delete and not give a second thought. There are CB, DH, and WU all over! Unfortunately they just don't drop off
OP, sorry that happened to you. Turds will float to the top from time-to-time. Try not to let it bother you so much.

Just as here on Eccie there are disrespectful idiots on any hooker site. Sometimes I turn my phone on and have ugly messages, I don't pay attn. I delete and go on with my day. Who gives a fuck what that ignorant trick thinks about you, in the end you are doing what you love, what you want and are beautiful. Trust me, it happens often, I have gotten into it a few time haha, but on text there are no rules, so I put them in their place quick! But the best really is to delete and not give a second thought. There are CB, DH, and WU all over! Unfortunately they just don't drop off Originally Posted by bustyamy
...and right on schedule, you somehow manage to make this about you.

chicagoboy's Avatar
...and right on schedule, you somehow manage to make this about you. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
It's called breaching.
BDM's Avatar
  • BDM
  • 01-03-2013, 09:25 AM
Sometimes it's best to pass on doing business with people. Sounds like narcissistic attitude.
Trust me, those are people to avoid.
Plus you're gorgeous, I'm sure you will have zero problems replacing his time slot. Hell, I'm in!
OP, sorry that happened to you. Turds will float to the top from time-to-time. Try not to let it bother you so much.

...and right on schedule, you somehow manage to make this about you.

Originally Posted by enderwiggin
See, it doesn't take long for the disrespect! My point exactly! Don't let guys like this stop you from doing your thing
  • yenny
  • 01-03-2013, 09:26 AM
Ok I'm lost. What did the guy say that was so bad? I took it as he was asking if you have been/are busy. Like can you fit him in for an appointment? I don't see how he was being disrespectful.
See, it doesn't take long for the disrespect! My point exactly! Don't let guys like this stop you from doing your thing Originally Posted by bustyamy
If pointing out your narcissism and ridiculously bloated ego is disrespectful, then sure. Don't worry about adding me to your already long list of guys you won't see because they type mean things. I have no intention of ever scheduling with you.
  • yenny
  • 01-03-2013, 10:08 AM
The part I can't get over is I've never heard a doctor get offended by being called a doctor. Do we really have to be all PC in this business? Get offended all you want. What offends you will turn.the next one on. Your loss.
Block his phone number (s) and say adiós para siempre!
Stop seeing him.
And move on! Originally Posted by zerodahero
Better yet, stop seeing him and start seeing me!

Sorry it happened.
Molay's Avatar
  • Molay
  • 01-03-2013, 11:51 AM
Every profession that requires working with the public requires working with assholes. It's not unique to this hobby....but probably there are a higher percentage of assholes...who knows. Nevertheless, I'm sorry this happened to you.