Her Mailbox is Full

Willen's Avatar

Probably this has been answered repeatedly, but I'll ask anyway. I've been in contact with a well known local provider. Inthe midst of setting things up, my PM got kicked back because her mailbox is now full. Is there a way to alert ladies to this situation?
dent's Avatar
  • dent
  • 09-11-2012, 09:56 PM
Firstly I'm not staff.

You could ...

1) Send her an email if her address is posted in a showcase or ad. You can also check her reviews for an email address. FWIW the ECCIE system emailer works independently of showcases. While an address may not be posted in a showcase, the ECCIE emailer (available via the drop down menu and in the Contact tab of her user profile) may be enabled to send out emails.
2) Call her if you have access to her phone number.
3) Send her an email or PM via P411 - assuming you both have P411 accounts.
4) Post a thread in Coed asking her by name to empty her mailbox: easily the LEAST wisest choice.
5) Wait for her to clear her inbox.

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-11-2012, 10:25 PM
The system will alert you once you have reach 90% of your PM limit. There will be a highlighted message that will appear right above the "Welcome, Handle" line on the upper right of every page.

One helpful way to keep the PM's and make room for more is to download them. Then you can delete them from the system.

To download your PM's at the lower right of the page that show's your PM's look for Download all Private Messages as: Click on the format you want for the downloaded file. XML, CSV, or text. You will then be prompted to save that file. Click on OK. Then you will be prompted to choose a folder where you want it saved. Choose one and then click Save.

Dent has provided good suggestions.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Willen, sent ya a pm
ck1942's Avatar
Not sure how many PMs a provider's account can hold, but PA gents get 1,000. My assumption is that verified providers get something similar. I know that new members get a max of 50 total messages in all of their folders.

So, it is somewhat frustrating (for me, anyhow) when I try to send a PM to an active, well-established, long-time provider to ask her to vouch or re-vouch a member (for a social) and my PM bounces. Especially when it is so easy to clean out the PM folders.
levi tab's Avatar
For some reason, I want to say that I read some Provider mention the number of PMs they can have and it was less than the Premium Access Members...I thought that very odd...

I once sent out a PM to lady and her PM was full, a day or two later I received an email from her and she said that she had received an email saying that I had tried to send her a PM but her PM inbox was full...
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-12-2012, 10:30 PM
The PM limits are as follows...

  • Premium Access members - 1,000 messages
  • Verified Providers - 500 messages
  • Registered Members, Gaining Momentum and Valued Posters - 50 messages.
These values are the total number of PM's in all PM folders.
ck1942's Avatar
  • Premium Access members - 1,000 messages
  • Verified Providers - 500 messages
  • Registered Members, Gaining Momentum and Valued Posters - 50 messages.
Thanks, that helps explain the situation, if not the issues.

Easy enough to see where a popular provider might hit the limit in a couple weeks.

Unless a busy someone has a firm protocol for downloading data to keep a record of sorts, and then discarding the fullness of the PM system, a 500 ceiling will be hit quite frequently.

The way the PM system is set up, easy enough to discard last month's efforts either by IN or by SENT or by both.

Takes some organizational skills and diligence to do that. I organize my PMs once a week or so and right now, 427 total on board. Yesterday, something more like 900.